No Surprises There

Corbynites are vile.

A Labour MP has claimed those who have defied the party leadership have been subject to “vile abuse and pure bile” from supporters of Jeremy Corbyn.

Graham Jones, the MP for Hyndburn, told the BBC Mr Corbyn’s allies had “taken over” Labour but some of them had “unpleasant” political backgrounds.

Well, yeah, welcome to the nineteen-eighties, when Labour was in the grip of Militant Tendency. Nothing new here. New Labour with its lurch to the centre ground – and electability – was an aberration. Now they return to business as usual. A peek at the comments in the Guardian shows the festering cesspit of tribal hatreds for what it is. Corbyn’s politics may have a veneer of respectability about them, but underneath it all, they are the same tired, tried and failed, intellectually bankrupt polices of the  hard left. So vile is precisely what we can expect.

I’ll be watching from the sidelines as Labour tears itself apart like two ferrets in a sack. Couldn’t happen to a better bunch of scumbags, frankly.


  1. Latest news. “The Religion of Peace” has once again gone about its normal peace-loving business amongst those wicked infidels in Paris indulging in the sinful practices of going out for a bite to eat or listening to some music. Western leaders from all over the world have been quick to put in their two penn’orth, despite being on the other side of the planet, but needless to say, there has been the usual deafening silence from both western and non-western based Muslim organisations the world over. Awww – perhaps they just can’t think of anything to say. Any suggestions to help them out, LR?

  2. Shock, horror!! Stinking commie bastards behave like stinking commie bastards.

    That is the true beauty of these people, they out parody Monty Python. “The only people we hate more than the fucking capitalists are the fucking Tooting Popular Front.” They cannot suppress the deep seated hatred they have for other commie factions in order to present a unified front against us evil, capitalist bastards and give themselves a chance of power. No, their factional hatred is so intense that they are incapable of hiding from the electorate how completely dysfunctional and unelectable they are.

    NOT, most emphatically NOT the 1970’s
    It’s actually worse than that.
    This is a return to 1933-36 when the then Labour leader was against re-armament, because that nice Mr Hitler wasn’t a problem …
    Please note that his MP’s threw him out & replaced him with Clem Attlee, who did believe in re-armament.
    ( Note also that Attlee didn’t have a problem with an actual fighting war against communism, either in Korea …. )

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