A Fucking Disgrace, Eh?

I don’t much like Labour, but I do recognise that they have MPs with experience of government and have an understanding of the mood of the electorate – and, frankly, have the competence to run a government. None of these qualities are possessed by Jeremy Corbyn.

A grass-roots campaign among the hard left – and it seems, enemies of Labour – have catapulted this shambling, incompetent buffoon into a role for which he is entirely unsuited. I knew it would show up sooner of later as it did with Michael Foot, but in this case, sooner. Indeed very soon.

One of Jeremy Corbyn’s shadow ministers has branded their leader a “f***ing disgrace” after he attended an acrimonious meeting with Labour MPs.

Elsewhere Hilary Benn was distancing himself from Corbyn’s attitude and his language was less abrupt. The electorate would very much like Kalashnikov-wielding religious nutters to be shot by the security services. Waiting around for them to detonate a suicide belt whereupon we can then arrest the bits is just not an option. When faced with an armed enemy, shooting is the only rational option. This is not the same situation as Jean Paul Menzes and to suggest that it is, is foolish. But then, Corbyn is a foolish man. For only a fool goes for a job knowing full  well he lacks the ability, knowledge and skills necessary to do it.

“He doesn’t answer anything. He got roasted, he’s a f****** disgrace,” the MP said, according to both the Daily Mirror and The Sun newspapers.

The BBC reports another anonymous MP as saying the Labour leader was “aggressively heckled” during the meeting.

Well, you have that cretin Miliband to thank for the election process that propelled this incompetent to power – along with the foaming-at-the-mouth Guardianista who are jumping up and down with glee now that they have a left winger in power. The fact that he is an utter disgrace in the role, the fact that he cannot perform and the fact that if he ever got anywhere near the levers of power, he would be a menace, is for them, a feature, not a bug.

A spokesperson for Mr Corbyn said that those who express critical views “volubly” were in the minority and that the shadow cabinet was united on blocking military action in Syria.

Yeah, of course they are. Keep taking the tablets.

Meanwhile the country at large can see it – and remember that this man has sucked up to vile jihadist scum. I’m wondering if he will survive until 2020.


  1. “A spokeperson for Mr Corbyn” was undoubtedly the useless shitbag that is Seamus Milne, and he’s so far away from public opinion you can’t even see it with the Hubble telescope.

    What a fucking shower Labour are at the moment, and there was me thinking it couldn’t get worse than Miliband.

  2. I wonder what fantasy land Corbyn lives in?
    On the other hand, he’s only there to do what Unite & co tell him

    You might have gathered from my piece yesterday that I’m similarly unimpressed with this twit?

  3. I agree that His Beardedness is a pillock of the first order. But I fail to see mass Islam importer Dave Snooty as being much improvement. How does bombing in Syria help anything here? All it does is give the legions of fanatical “religious” psychopaths the political class have made sure we have among us more reasons to commit mass murder in the west. His government stops the nutters leaving the country when it should be kicking them out! It lets hundreds of those who have been Jihading in jolly old Syria etc back into the country! Utterly bonkers! He apparently believes storing everyone’s web activity for a year will strike a crucial blow against terrorism! Dave and his government are a bunch of tools, every bit as dangerously flaky as Jezza the klutz.

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