
When Sadiq Khan is the mayor of London

As mayor of London, I’ll make tackling hate crimes – including Islamophobia, antisemitism and homophobia – a top priority for the Metropolitan police and ensure they get the resources they needs to make a real difference.

They haven’t had the election yet. Does he know something we don’t? I would suggest that for many of those voting, a top priority for the Met is not thought hate crimes, but things like burglary, mugging and such. Real crimes.

And… There is no such thing as Islamophobia. A dislike – even an extreme dislike, loathing and fear – of an alien belief system and political ideology that flies in the face of civilisation is not a phobia.

Islamophobia is on the rise.

Really? Assuming the phenomenon exits (which it doesn’t) why might this be?

Tell Mama, the organisation that monitors Islamophobia, revealed there were 115 attacks in the week after the terrorist attack on Paris – a spike of more than 300%.

Well blow me down with a feather. Can’t possibly think why that might be… Well, for Sadiq, because he is struggling… Those attacks were carried out by Muslims acting in direct accord with the murderous philosophy of their founder. They were doing it for Islam – something you have carefully avoided mentioning. That’s why there has been a rise in open dislike of Islam and Muslims.

Cause and effect.

Young British Muslims become more susceptible to radicalisation and extremism when we don’t give mainstream Muslims the confidence to challenge the extremists, and because British society is too segregated.

We are waiting for mainstream Muslims to do just that. They have been actively encouraged to say “not in our name”. So far there has been a deafening silence. And as for segregation? Whose fault is that? Is Sadiq acquiescing on the matter of multiculturalism? It’s all our fault, it seems.

We must take Islamophobia seriously, because it’s not just Muslims that are at risk – it’s all of our safety.

Not from Islamophobia, it isn’t .


  1. “Islamophobia, antisemitism and homophobia”

    If someone supports gay rights and Jews I’m pretty sure, if they’re being consistent, that puts them against the hate-filled, death-cult that is Islam.

    Sadly many on the left don’t seem to care too much for consistency.

  2. Ahhh… someone who agrees with me: “-phobia” means an irrational fear, not a dislike (or even hatred) of; sadly, I cannot think of a suitable label to apply instead of “phobia”. Perhaps “-odium”? (Though not sure if, as a word in its own right, it would be correct to use as a suffix) Any ideas?

  3. I’d never vote for a practicing Muslim. The fact that they believe a god would choose an evil, butchering, thieving, pedophile warlord as his (or her or its) special messenger tells me all I need to know about them.

    I wouldn’t vote for a greenie like Zac Goldsmith either.

  4. Those stats come straight from TellMAMA, a more pernicious and deceitful organisation you could never hope to meet. Calling them ‘attacks’ is a bit strong – very few will be physical attacks, most will be glances or mutterings interpreted as ‘Islamaphobic’.

  5. For “an alien belief system and political ideology that flies in the face of civilisation” read “a primitive superstition practised by a tribe of savages.”

  6. “…Islamophobia is on the rise…”

    People are (slowly) waking up to the massive injustice perpetrated on them by their so-called leaders.

  7. And, of course, the more that Khan makes fuckwit remarks like that, the less likely he is to be voted in, by everybody else …
    This, of course is the mistake that a lot of politicos are making, in crawling to ANY “religious” vote – it will automatically alienate everyone else ….

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