This One’s For You.


The Oxford law student who called for the French flag to be banned from universities after comparing it to the Nazi swastika has remained unyielding in his views, hit out at the British media for feeding a “racist myth,” and insisted Oxford produces graduates with an “unjustly skewed view of the world.”

May I suggest this piece of shit leaves our shores and goes back to the cesspit that is Africa? And stays there.

Oh, and….

Fuck off!


  1. Hypocrite, happy to trouser the money and scholarship from the Rhodes Foundation whilst screaming “Racist”. Poor little mite cannot walk past a statue without feeling “threatened” which tells me he is not intellectually suited to Academic Life. Presumably the Rhodes-Mandela scholarships they fund should also be closed down or is it suddenly un-racist because the sainted Mandela’s name has been invoked?

  2. It’s clear the chap isn’t studying history, or anything else of any great value.

    Homo Sapiens is not renowned for the length or accuracy of its memory. The reason we keep so many bits of history lying around — particularly the less savoury parts of it — is because it’s rather difficult to learn from the past if we go out of our way to forget it ever happened.

    Yes, Cecil Rhodes was the kind of man who put the cunt in country, but Europe had Hitler and plenty more. Africa isn’t a special little snowflake of a continent to which only bad things have ever happened.

    And he can shut up about the “imperialist” crap too; last time I checked, the ancient Egyptians weren’t Europeans.

    The thing is, when the Romans landed on the shores of Great Britain, bringing their version of civilisation with them, there was a war. They won. We lost.

    But we got over it and moved on. It’s high bloody time others did the same. The scabs of history will never heal if you keep picking away at them.

    • Rhodes does not belong in the same sentence as Hitler. Personally, I believe the good he did far outweighed the bad.

      We can hardly blame him for empire building, it was rather fashionable at the time. The Bantus migrated south through Africa, colonising, assimilating and displacing as they went. Empires and kingdoms rose and fell. The mfecane, a period of displacement and unrest in the first half of the 19th century as a result of the expansion of Shaka’s Zulu kingdom is estimated to have killed between one and two million people.

      If you go to the Giant’s Castle Game Reserve in the Drakensberg Mountains, you can see numerous Bushmen paintings. What you won’t see are any Bushmen, they were killed, displaced or assimilated by the Bantu.

      To all intents and purposes, Ntokozo Qwabe is a descendant of brutal colonists. Maybe he should remove the plank from his own eye before removing the speck from ours. How about #Shakamustfall?

  3. The little toe rag should be kicked out. He’s a hypocrite for taking the Rhodes money and his justification is rather pathetic. How anyone can get hot and bothered about an old statue of a dead man is also pathetic. What is also unsurprising is the asinine behaviour of the academic faculty at Oriel college in agreeing with this little trouble maker instead of offering him some stern management advice.

  4. His rationale is that as the money from the Rhodes scholarship was “stolen” from Africa it is simply his entitlement (ah, that word again).

    Taking this at face value, unless he goes back to Africa and spends the rest of his life trying to improve it surely he is an accomplice to that theft.

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