That’s Right, It’s Not Mean

Flood defences or foreign aid.

Philip Johnston cites Martin Sheen who thinks that we shouldn’t be cutting foreign aid in favour of flood defences at home.

Mr Sheen saw such sentiments as the ideological posturing of a certain section of the media. Talk about diverting money from the foreign aid budget was “a false argument”, he averred, and “it was not an either/or”. But no one is suggesting that it is.

I am. We shouldn’t be giving any money in foreign aid. Not one penny piece. As for warble gloaming being the cause of the  flooding, how about EU legislation that prevents river dredging before we go down that route?

If you wish to piss your money away on foreign aid, then fine, no one should stop you. If, however, you believe that the state should steal money from other people and piss it away, then fuck off.


  1. Sheen is a very good actor who has made his name (and a few quid) by speaking words written by someone else. Like Cuthbert Bandersnatch’s politically motivated tirades, it’s when such people use their own words that their tunnel visioned naivety becomes apparent. Sheen is entitled to his opinion, but that opinion is no stronger than that of the bloke, or woman, down the road. The only reason his views are made known is because of who he is.

  2. Given the billions wasted (sorry, “invested” according to SJW’s), to lift these assorted hotbeds of venality and corruption out of poverty. Shouldn’t we be told the score? i.e. How many are now NOT in poverty and how effective it has been and therefore should need LESS money and not more. It seems that money is wasted on a truly Biblical scale and the more the plans fail, the more the planners plan needing “just some more money…” Well after the best part of a Century without any measureable benefit they can sod right off and stop spending MY MONEY.

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