First World Problems

Clearly, we have resolved all the world’s problems.

Passports and driving licences should not state if the holder is male or female because it causes problems for transgender people, a Conservative MP has said.

I am transgender and it hasn’t caused me any problems. I will happily drive while dressed if the mood takes me. I don’t go around showing off my driving licence, though. Nor my passport. I am considering getting a bank card without the “Mr”on it, but the bank will do that without any need for legislation.

If someone is planning on transitioning, they will change their name and therefore these documents anyway. So, er, not the kind of problem that needs politicians making matters worse. Because, sure as eggs is eggs, if politicians get involved, they will make matters worse.

All of that said, we are frequently asked about gender when it is irrelevant anyway.  So, er we don’t need it on passports and driving licenses.


      • Incorrectly so. I have a client who found out the hard way that “photo ID” ain’t necessarily proof of ID. There were arrests, police bail and all that goes with it. All because some folk were presenting passports that, er, did not identify them at all.

        The problem we have here is the plethora of insane legislation demanding that we present such documents as proof of ID in an example of a solution desperately seeking a problem to solve.

  1. Oh happy world.
    Supposing , just supposing, there will be a need for national conscription, national security registration or any other thing that will involve state compulsion.
    Dithering about nomenclature will not be approved. Nor hair splitting of any kind.
    All this current PC and sensitivity could be brushed away when Duke Ferdinand gets killed.

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