New Year, Same Shit


But thousands of people have now pledged to go one step further, and abandon all animal food products for at least a month.

At least 20,000 people have put their names to a campaign aimed at encouraging people to go vegan for the month of January.

Another facile piece of posturing. if you want to give up meat products, then  do so. Don’t make a fuss about it and, above all, don’t, just don’t:

Veganuary is aimed at persuading people to try to live without meat, fish and other animal based food, such as dairy products, for a substantial period of time.

You live your life and let others do the same. I don’t try to persuade you to eat certain products, you do me the courtesy of fucking off and doing the same. As for the tedious attempts to use the end of a month to flag these dire little campaigns, you can absolutely guarantee that I will not be taking part. Movember was bad enough, now we get one month after another being bastardised to fit into a tiresome campaign to get us to change our lives or  give to a charity. Adding “uary” to the end of it is a sure way of ensuring I will give it a miss.

Zephaniah said: “Embracing the month of Veganuary is a great way to start the year; it could even be the way to start a new life. You’ll be feeling much better for it.”

I’ll embrace these self-righteous arseholes ceasing their incessant hectoring. I’ll be feeling much better for it, too.


  1. I’m pretty sure anything starting with “Zephaniah said:” isn’t worth paying the slightest attention to.

  2. Why do people feel impelled to ‘sign up’? I just can’t imagine it. What does it mean? Do they see an on-line form which promises to give up meat during January and they they solemnly sign it? What do they do then? Do they ‘report in’ every morning and declare that they ate no meat the previous day? If not, what is the point of ‘signing up’?
    I have known one or two people who had declared that they will drink no alcohol during January. God only knows why they felt impelled to tell me since I have no interest in what they do. But I can understand how they come to believe that drinking no alcohol in January will somehow ‘detoxify’ them. They can believe that if they want to. I don’t care.
    I just wonder if they realise that, when they ‘sign up’, they are being manipulated.

  3. Bet these cunts still wear leather shoes tho’ eh?

    I hate people who wear their their self opinionated shite like a badge of honour. Why would they assume anyone is actually interested in their stupid ideas? It beats me…

  4. So many new campaigns, so many new things to ignore….

    That 20,000 have signed up is no surprise, as there are some people so stupid as they’d sign their own death warrants.

  5. I did briefly consider signing up to the Dryathlon thing as I’m going dry anyway and I could raise some money for Cancer Research which I support anyway. But I decided against because I don’t want to encourage this kind of thing. Also, I’m not really happy about the idea of blagging money off your mates just because you are doing some kind of challenge, even if it is for a good cause.

    As for veganism, if some people want to avoid using any kind of animal products for anything whatsoever, and yes you can buy vegan shoes, well good luck to them if that is what floats their boat. But what is wrong with just getting on with it and leaving everyone else alone?

    • Stony,
      Before you do anything for so-called “charities” like Cancer Research, do a little research of your own. Find out just what they do with the cash you sweated and ached for.
      They pay themselves large wads and spend even larger wads on propaganda (“increasing awareness” in Newspeak).

  6. I wish I really believed I’m tongue in cheek when I say softening us up to view insects as a real dietary alternative to meat. A few more slebs scoffing cockroaches in the jungle should help to persuade the great British unthinking.

  7. These tossers should look at their teeth in a mirror.
    We are OMNIVORES
    Now fucking get over it ……

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