Falk Off!

The traitorous, terrorist sympathising dhimmi scumbag, Corbyn wants an accommodation with Argentina over the Falkland Islands.

The Falkland Islands should be handed back to Argentina as part of a “power-sharing” deal, Jeremy Corbyn has told South American diplomats.

And who is he to be speaking on behalf of the Islanders?

Alicia Castro, Argentina’s outgoing ambassador in London, said that Mr Corbyn told her that he wants a Northern Ireland-style deal for the Falklands in which her country and Britain could govern over the islands together.

Quite apart from deciding the fate of people who most certainly do not want to be ruled from Buenos Aires, the Falklands are not Northern Ireland where two competing factions wanted diametrically opposed outcomes. The Falklanders all want the same thing; to remain a British Overseas Territory. That’s what  they want. What the vile little communist traitor wants is irrelevant.

The plan, originally discussed with Mr Corbyn’s Argentine allies before he became Labour leader, has caused dismay amongst his critics in the Labour Party.

Well, I’m not surprised. Every utterance makes an election victory in 2020 ever more unlikely.

Mr Benn is firmly opposed in any change to Labour’s policy on the Falklands and has not met with any Argentinian representatives.

Mr Benn is right.

In her interview, Ms Castro said that Mr Corbyn “shares our concerns”, adding: “In short, he is one of “ours”.”

It is becoming increasingly obvious across Britain that he isn’t one of “ours”.

Currently, the official stated position is that the people of the Falkland Islands have the right to determine their own future.

In a 2013 referendum, 99.8 per cent of Falkland islanders voted to stay British.

And until that situation changes, No one, and certainly not Corbyn, has any right whatsoever to enter into any negotiation with Argentina.


  1. This proves Corbyn actually does hate the UK. There is no other reason for siding with Argentina against the UK in this situation. There’s no principle of democracy or the right of colonial people to self determine that can explain. You can’t even explain it by hatred of the USA, the dispute over the Falklands has no US input whatsoever. There is no other explanation that hatred of the UK and its people.

    Ironically its what’ll sink him. You can spout all manner of BS about foreign policy and the Middle East, and there’s always enough idiots who hate the US who’ll fall in behind you, blinded by their hatred of the Great Satan. It sounds plausible to the gullible – Oil, US imperialism, neo-colonialism, blame the Jews etc etc. None of which apply to the Falklands.

    Corbyn just can’t help himself in his hatred of his own country, and it has shown his true colours. It would have been utterly simple to just parrot the lines about the right of the Falklands to self determination, not even his own rabid supporters would have cared a jot. But he had to stick the knife in.

    Good. We all know the nature of the beast now, even the gullible idiots can see this for what it is.

  2. “The Falkland Islands should be handed back to Argentina…”

    What does he mean by this? As far as I am aware, the Falklands have never belonged to Argentina at any time in the past. Am I wrong about this? My understanding was that their claim to sovereignty was based on some Agentinian pirates who landed there when the place was pretty much uninhabited. Said pirates were then arrested by the British navy and handed over to the Argentine authorities to be dealt with. This has been re-interpreted to suggest that the islands were taken from Argentina by force by the British navy.

    I would be happy to be corrected if I have any or all of this wrong.

    • The Argentines aren’t British. Therefore they aren’t nasty colonialists. The British, however, are. This is the narrative. Thing is, even the Guardianista baulk at Jezbollah on this one.

  3. Ok, but even if Britain had taken possession of the islands by means of military conquest, that was the way these things were decided in those days. Nowadays we prefer to decide these things democratically. In this specific case it seems that both ways have been applied and Argentina lost both times.

    • Reality does not enter the equation. According to the thoroughly repugnant little traitor Milne, the vote was all rigged anyway. These are the kind of nasty people we are dealing with.

  4. Incidentally someone should ask Corbyn if 99.8% of the Scots vote for independence does that mean the rest of the UK has a right to retain a say in their affairs?

  5. “Every utterance makes an election victory in 2020 ever more unlikely.”

    Assuming he’s managed to hang on to the leadership until then, I think we’re going to see essentially two camapaigns.

    What the cretin himself does, and the one run for him by the BBC where they downplay or ignore most of what he says.

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