Oh, FFS!

Truly the world has gone mad.

But ‘A Day in the Life of a Refugee’, a simulated 75-minute workshop run by the non-profit Crossroads Foundation for some of Davos’ 2,500 delegates, aimed to “re-create some of the struggles and choices [refugees] face to survive” .

Participants, who included the Turkish Prime Minister’s wife and the US Ambassador to Switzerland, had to trade food for valuables, fill out identity papers and endure orders from uniformed soldiers with fake weapons.

Jesus H Christ on a pogo-stick. If I thought these people were cretins before, what are they now?

Perhaps they would like to role-play New Years Eve in Cologne?


  1. “What are they now?” – Useful idiots/Retarded Cretins (delete as appropriate). Of course, having taken part, they will have such a smugfest holier-than-thou glow. Pig-ignorant, the lot of ’em.

  2. Smug grandstanding from the privileged. I think for every person they want to bring in, the ‘great and good’ should be made personally liable for each refugees welfare rather than the poor bloody taxpayer.

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