Rhodes Stands

It looks as if Cecil Rhodes will not fall after all.

Oxford University’s statue of Cecil Rhodes is to stay in place after furious donors threatened to withdraw gifts and bequests worth more than £100 million if it was taken down, The Daily Telegraph has learnt.

Well, it’s good news, but a shame that it took the threat of financial penalty to make them stand up to the vile racist victim-hood scum. What they should have done was told these people to fuck off in no uncertain terms and to stick their race-mongering where the sun doesn’t shine. At no time should their demands have met with anything other than firm, assertive stonewalling. History is history. Attempts to whitewash it and to pander to the nasty race-mongering of BME Marxists and their leftist comrades need to be vigorously rebutted. These people must not win. A setback for them is a good thing. A small glimmer in the darkness.

Still, they whinge anyway.

Ntokozo Qwabe, the Rhodes Scholar who has campaigned to remove the statue, wrote on his Facebook page: “The decision by Oriel College to unilaterally reverse its public commitments on Rhodes, without any consultation, basically reminds us that black lives are cheap at Oxford.”

Hyperbole, much? Go fuck yourself, you nasty, hypocritical little creep. Or better still, leave Oxford and piss off back to Africa.


  1. The fact at for once these Marxist snowflakes were defeated is a good thing , the fact it took the threat of withdrawal of money , shows how small and apologetic , the west the west has become .

    In the long term were fucked .

    • Absolutely correct.
      Black on black killing in America is much worse than white on black. Black on black killing in Africa and black on black enslavemnt was, and is still, orders of magnitude worse than anything done by Rhodes or the white slave traders.

  2. As you quite rightly say, “it’s history”. Why should these sponsored w*nkers, who are only there for 3/5 years dictate 100’s of history and deny the future to others.

  3. “Ntokozo Qwabe, the Rhodes Scholar who has campaigned to remove the statue…”

    Yes, Mr. Qwabe, Rhodes was an arsehole. People who actively desire power and seek it out tend to be arseholes. It’s hard to win (or seize) power by being a doormat with a tiny ego and no self-confidence.

    Just ask that famous racist, incompetent arsehole Robert Mugabe, or the arseholes behind Boko Haram. And both of those are in Africa, right now, not back in the 19th Century.

    The solution is to pick the least worst arsehole, (assuming you have the option to choose in the first place).

  4. Why doesn’t he ‘do the right thing’ and leave Oxford and his Rhodes Scholarship and apply to SJW College of Mediocrity?

    I’m sure that would salve his snowflake conscience no end.

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