Nagging Nanny

Public Health England has its eye firmly in the middle-aged.

Middle-aged Britons are being urged to get off their couches and cut down on unhealthy food as part of a Government-backed drive to make people look after themselves.

Stark warnings about the risks of drinking and obesity form part of a new Public Health England (PHE) campaign, called One You, which has been billed as the biggest national health drive since Change4Life.

PHE said evidence shows that living healthily in mid-life can double a person’s chances of staying well aged 70 and older.

While I have no particular problem with reminding people that a healthy lifestyle is likely to lead to a greater chance of longevity and a healthier old age, I don’t need to be nagged about it and I certainly don’t want these parasites charging me for the privilege. Which, of course, they are…

So, no I won’t be watching their patronising adverts, nor will I be downloading one of their apps.

Around 40 per cent of all deaths in England are related to poor lifestyles, such as smoking, drinking too much and being sedentary.

What doesn’t occur to these puritans is that some people may just prefer a shorter life filled with naughty pleasures than a longer one barren of joy. Just a thought…

The NHS spends more than £11bn a year on treating illnesses caused by the effects of diet, lack of exercise, smoking and drinking alcohol.

And who pays for this? Oh, yeah, the drinkers, smokers and fatties do. It’s our money so fuck off with the “cost to the NHS” bollocks.


  1. There have been many studies, health and financial, which prove that a thin healthy long living population would be a greater health cost than smokers, drinkers and the overweight.

    The only people to gain from people living longer and developing dementia is big pharma selling all the drugs aiding long life and care / nursing homes charging exhorberant money for care of questionable quality. They are efficient at emptying bank accounts, depleting life savings and force selling family homes.

  2. So 40% of all deaths in England are down to poor lifestyle, so I take it 60% of deaths are down to a good lifestyle.

  3. Of course none of this sudden concern for our health is in any way related to the fact that the Government now needs us all to contin ue working into our 70’s to pay for the titanic financial mess they’ve made of the Government’s books.

    We are required to keep propping up the giant ponzi scheme which is the NHS and State Pensions

  4. Dear Members of Parliament,

    You’ve fucked up our economy. Repeatedly. Over decades. You’ve had plenty of chances to get it right, yet you still persist in pursuing idiotic ideologies that have been proven wrong time and time again. So fuck you.

    While the rich have gotten richer, the rest of us have effectively seen our pay frozen for years. Much though I’d love to eat well, I am forced to live a miserly lifestyle, counting every penny. Because of YOUR mistakes. I sit on a couch and watch TV, because I can’t even afford the usurious sums of money charged at a cinema. So, again, fuck you.

    I’d love to go to a local gym, but I can’t. There isn’t one I can afford. Nor do I have the time to piss away the hours I’d need to commute to one, given that I can’t afford to live anywhere near where my work is. Because the price of a small two-bedroom letterbox-shaped house anywhere in some shithole filled with chavs in the south-east of England costs more than the price of a fucking massive five-bedroom apartment in the middle of *Rome* now. Whose fault is that? Oh right: that’d be YOURS. So, once again, a great big fuck you.

    As for the endless hectoring, nagging and shouting from on high about how I should live my life: when did the UK become China? When did the UK become Soviet Russia? Fuck you and the high horse you rode in on.

    Who the hell do you think you are to tell ME how I should spend what little time and money you’ve deigned to let me keep for myself? Once more unto the fuck you, my friends.

    I don’t want to live to 75, 80, 85, or whatever. Why the fuck would I want to? You’ve made the lives of much of the population so fucking miserable and wretched, death would be a blessed release! Indeed, I’m beginning to wonder if this isn’t the real goal behind all the nagging.

    Your own actions have resulted in the erosion and loss of any and all respect most of us may have had for you lot many, many years ago. Fuck you.

    All we have ever wanted is for you to do your fucking job competently, but you can’t even manage that. The very least you egotistical parasites can do is leave us the fuck alone to get on with what passes for our lives, but no, you can’t even do that. So, here’s hoping you take the fucking hint: Fuck off.

      • I do think Sean is too light on the “fuck you” message and the eloquent explanation given will simply confuse the average politician/SJW/health worker/nanny state employee.

        Whilst you and I can empathise and understand what Sean is saying, in order to effectively communicate with the above mentioned sub-species of humanity (and I use that description with a degree of optimism rather than any evidence that they are indeed human) what Sean really needs to say is best summed us as:

        “Dear Member of Parliament.

        Fuck you.

        Yours sincerely…..”

  5. Brilliant rant Sean but don’t send it to us, send it to them. Clean it up a bit and get it sent along with a press release to the MSM to get the word out as to what you’ve done.

  6. I tried the survey too see what it was all about. I did quite well on the eating and exercise bits but scored an overall 3 out of 10 because I like to smoke and drink beer at the weekend (which there’s no safe level of apparently).
    It’s about health at all, it’s just about nagging you to live the approved life.

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