Meet the New Boss

Same as the old boss.

Chancellor George Osborne has unveiled a tax on the makers of sugary soft drinks to tackle childhood obesity.

So, there is no difference between the vile, illiberal scum on the Labour benches and the vile, illiberal scum on the government ones. Both are in sway to the parasites in public health and moronic celebrity chefs. Despite clear evidence that sin taxes do not work, this piece of shit is going to impose one anyway.

I can do as many Danes did with their fat tax – cross the border and buy in France. What I object to is being robbed by this cunt and having my stolen money given to sport – something I despise with every fibre of my being. I object to him and the scum he festers with, deciding that they know best about what I should consume and deciding in their high-handed way to try to manipulate me. Well, they have. As from 2018, I’ll be stocking up when I make my trips across the Channel, thereby avoiding the tax and continuing to consume whatever I damned well please.

The Tories – nothing more than New Labour Lite. Scum, the lot of them.  Well, most of them. Will Quince being an exception.

And, having seen the smug, self-satisfied look of triumph on the fat face of that fucker Oliver on the front of the Guardian’s website, I think I want to throw up. This country really has gone down the pan.

Oh, and if Osborne thinks that this will appease the monster, he is in for a surprise. This is just the first salvo. It will be plain packaging next…


  1. When governments are bankrupt, morally and financially they are ripe for the fanatics to sell their wares. I,m sure osbourn is blinded by the promise of more income.

    • “…When governments are bankrupt, morally and financially…”

      Has there ever been one that wasn’t?

  2. I’m curious to know who briefed Jamie Oliver this was going to be announced. Because despite being a surprise measure, Oliver somehow managed to find himself on the green outside Westminster palace talking to the press about it less than an hour after it was announced.

    Isn’t invisible PR spinning by the Government wonderful?

    • That was pretty much what Sky News asked during their TV interview with him. “Apparently” his office is just down the road, he was driving by, saw the crews filming, and parked up to speak to them. My question is how the hell does one manage to park outside Westminster in the middle of the day? Presumably the mockney twat has connections in the police or parking enforcement…


    Just answer the following question

    What will the Chancellor do when the sugar tax fails to combat the obesity crisis?

    A. Increase the tax on sugary drinks
    B. Extend the tax to other sugary products
    C. Ban Jamie Oliver from using sugar in his recipes and opening his gob on TV

    Just text your answer to TWAT1

  4. All I can say is that I’m deeply grateful that I no longer live in the shithole run by morons that was once Great Britain.

    I honestly look on in horror as one stupid, spiteful law follows another. It seems relentless.

  5. It won’t surprise me if that smirking mockney gobshite Oliver gets a gong in the next honours list – officially it’ll be for something like “services to public health”, but in reality it’ll be for services to the growth of state power and the Chancellor’s career.

  6. Thing is, who the flying fuck elected this nasty little cunt to lord it over us? Oh, yeah, no one did. Yet we now have rule by second-rate celebrity chef. Great.

  7. The really annoying part is that there is no obesity crisis. The whole thing has been made up by a fake charity that relies on there being one for its income. They have done this by classifying thin people as being overweight and slightly overweight people as obese. Why anyone is stupid enough to be taken in by this I have no idea.

    • Of course if you tax something beyond the means of many, sales will drop. That’s not rocket science. Governments could drastically reduce the sales of anything they want by slapping punitive taxes on it.

      Tobacco products in the UK currently attract something in the region of 800% tax, so it’s hardly surprising that (official) sales have taken a nosedive over the past few decades. Whether you would consider that as ‘working well’ rather depends on how you see the situation.

      If you are someone who enjoys the pleasures of smoking, then it is far from ‘working well’.

      If, on the other hand, you hate tobacco and its users, and seek to coerce those who indulge into enforced abstinence, then yes, it’s working very well.

      • It’s all bollocks anyway,if they really wanted to stop people (“ordinary” people ), smoking,drinking,etc,then make it £10 a packet or a pint, but they won’t because whatever they say to the contrary ,they are just ass addicted, only this caae to the revenue. Two faced bastards., the whole lot of them.

  8. Don’t worry – your local drug dealer will find s way to supply your sugary drink. The market at work.

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