Blair Witch

Is right…

Tony Blair has said that “many millions” of Muslims hold a viewpoint that is “fundamentally incompatible with the modern world.”

Rejecting arguments that Isis is simply “tens of thousands of brainwashed crazies,” he continued:  “[Isis] does not seek dialogue but dominance. It cannot therefore be contained. It has to be defeated.”

Even stopped clocks and all that… How long before Plod arrests him for inciting racial hatred?

I despise the man, but he is right here – despite being complicit in importing this ideology into the UK. The ideology, Islam, is what is so incompatible with civilisation. It is brutal and misogynistic. ISIS is simply following, literally, the behaviour of the nasty warlord that started all this stuff. How else did it spread like a cancer through the middle east, quashing all indigenous cultures and ideologies in its path? By brutal conquest. ISIS are the twenty-first century incarnation of this conquest.

Until Muslims do as Christianity did, and engage in an enlightenment, rejecting the inhuman, misanthropic tenets in their holy book, Blair will continue to be correct in his analysis – Islam is incompatible with civilisation – even if as individuals, Muslims can embrace it and ignore much of what the religion requires.

Religion of peace, yeah, right…  Tell that to the people of Brussels, Paris, London, New York, Ankara…

Oh, right, yeah, silly me… That was nothing to do with Islam…


    • To ordinary people, yes, it is. But for a “progressive” politician to say it openly – that is worth noting. Even if it is late in the day.

      • Yes, it is a notable digression from the previous ‘religion of peace’ line. I think the tectonic plates are moving – for Blair to come out and say this means the PTB in private are having far more harsh thoughts.

        I’ve always said that we have two options, well 3 really, but one is obviously not an option – either the current PTB take measures to rein in Islam in the West (which is where it needs reining in, not in Islamic countries), or the West’s populations will demand (and elect) far worse demagogues and quasi-dictators who will take far harsher measures against Islam. The third option is of course capitulation.

        So either way Muslims in the West are in for a hard(er) time, if they had any sense they’d support measures from the current people in charge, as they’d be pretty fair and not too harsh. If they oppose any measures at all, then they will eventually get the far harsher measures that are an inevitability if the Islamist attacks on Western populations continue.

      • “Progressive”,now there’s a word I never would have thought applied to that lying,,war mongering twat. Isn’t he supposed to be some middle eastern envoy or some such? Doing a fantastic job. Not.

  1. Who the f#ck cares about about anything Blair has to say? Together with his blagging, hypocritical, partner, he has shown that he is the last person to take advice from, unless you are a maniacal despot, paedophilia billionaire, or an sub-standard political twonk who thinks that Stalin was a rather nice guy. Let us put Blair’s mutterings 2 places below those of the monster raving loony party.

  2. It was Blair, in collusion with Mandelson and Roche, who ran a secret policy of importing 3 million hostile muslims without ever consulting his cabinet, his party, or the voters. He’s got a damn cheek warning us about islamic savagery now.

  3. “If they oppose any measures at all, then they will eventually get the far harsher measures…”

    Er, no. Eventually (and that means quite soon), most of the “West” will be majority-Muslim.

    So nothing will be done, democratically; until the end of democracy, which will follow shortly afterwards.

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