Democracy Trumped

So no one is happy about Trump getting the Republican nomination. Former presidents are refusing to endorse him.

Former US presidents George H W Bush and George W Bush will not endorse Donald Trump’s candidacy for president, aides have told local media.

Indeed, it looks like there might be mutiny in the Republican ranks over the matter of this upstart getting the nomination.

Mark Salter, a strategist for John McCain on his 2008 White House run said he would vote for Hillary Clinton, the likely Democrat nominee, before Mr Trump calling him “unfit for office,” and “temperamentally and morally, a narcissistic bigot”.   Social media was littered with once die-hard Republicans setting fire to their Republican voter registration cards protesting Mr Trump.

As far as I am concerned, being an outsider without a horse in this race, I don’t much like the man. He is a populist who says what his audience wants to hear. Underneath it all, he is as much a part of the establishment as all the rest of them. However, to the sore losers, I would say only this; that’s democracy for you. It doesn’t mean you always get what you want, so suck it up.

Much like the Blairites who are looking in dismay at the shambling buffoon who was elected the leader of the Labour party this side of the pond. It’s entirely possible that both national electorates will deliver a scathing verdict on those individuals. But, again, that’s democracy for you.


  1. The primaries aren’t democracy any more than a newspaper’s forum is a democracy. It’s a selectocracy and therefore completely unrepresentative of the general election. There are millions of working class people in the US who have been shafted by capitalism and Trump is there to tell them that it’s all the fault of the illegal immigrants, the Muslims. The Ivy League liberals. The women who’ve had abortions. In fact, everything but the economic system that actually shafted them. It’s a neat trick if you can get away with it

    • Surely the neater trick is how champagne socialists and other lackwit lefties such as yourself have conned so many people into believing that capitalism is to blame for their woes.

      The 20th century couldn’t have been a better example that the further you move from capitalism the closer you move to poverty, starvation, and totalitarianism.

      I wonder if any of the Venezuelan intellectuals who argued against capitalism are having second thoughts now that the shelves are empty? No, they probably don’t give a fuck about the people’s lives they’re ruining. As long as they’re the boot on someone else’s throat, as I imagine you want to be, the cost to those they’re stamping on is irrelevant to them.

      Capitalism is the ONLY economic system that never fails to improve people’s lot in life.

      That you’d advocate against it, that you’d try to manipulate people to willingly accept their own slavery, makes you a truly vile little shit.

      • Indeed. Capitalism tends to go tits up when governments poke about and interfere. These arseholes can’t comprehend the principle of “light touch” when applied to regulation.

    • There was a campaign, there were votes cast. It was a democratic process, much like the one that put that cretin Corbyn in charge of the Labour Party this side of the pond. Neither is anything like a fucking internet forum.

      As to whether the wider electorate will endorse this, I covered that in the post. If you had done your Phd in English, rather than maths, maybe your English comprehension wouldn’t be so woeful.

  2. Come on now, if the UK hadn’t had a state owned car industry the world would have been deprived of the Austin Allegro.

  3. “He is a populist who says what his audience wants to hear.”

    A true politician then. Not one who imposes his will on the populous like all the other fake politicians.

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