When Faced with Absurdity

Be absurd

The very idea that the state should be decreeing which lavatories people may use is, itself, a repugnant abuse of state power. The excuse that men would dress as women in order to carry out sexual assault is an assertion  with no basis in fact. And, as  Shakina Nayfacvk points out:

The irony is that people are more likely to be uncomfortable seeing Nayfack in the men’s room, or a trans man in the women’s room, she said.

Indeed. In France, which, frankly, is rather more civilised, people will use whatever is free – and in some cases, women will happily walk past the urinals to a stall and no one bats an eyelid.

This law is about little people who clearly feel their own sexuality is threatened by people who reject their version of masculinity, attempting to force people into their version of normality. People come in all shapes and sizes. There is no such thing as normal. So, in showing these knuckle-draggers up for what they are, good luck to Nayfack.

Absurd is as absurd does…


  1. I share a lavatory at home, and at friends’ homes – so why the problem? As long as there’s a door and a bog roll…

  2. Can’t agree with you on this LR. I personally don’t care what bits you’ve got, what colour they are or what you do with them or how you behave or dress.

    However, you seem to be just thinking about western enlightened peeps, regarding what toilets (not restrooms FFS) you visit.

    Do you really think that wives, daughters and grandaughters are safe when it comes to bog carte blanche for the hordes of certain recent arrivals?

    • Yeah, sure Islamic predators are really going to crossdress in order to prey on women. Come on, really? They would have to challenge their masculinity. No, this is a ridiculous law imposed by control freaks and has no place in a civilised society – much like the predators you allude to.

      Let’s put this into perspective – a few (a tiny amount, really) of MtF trans people using the female toilets in line with the gender they are presenting as. Take a look at the pictures in the linked article. Where would you expect her to pee? Unless you were told, you would assume she was born female.

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