Peak Fear.

Project fear rolls along

British people benefit at the earliest opportunity from the best medicines produced by “cutting-edge” research because the UK is part of the EU, 93 business leaders and organisations from the life-sciences industry say.

The group, which includes executives from the top trio of companies – GlaxoSmithKline, AstraZeneca and Pfizer – says EU funding for research and Europe-wide regulations help produce new, more effective drugs more quickly.

Bullshit. If we aren’t pissing money into the EU in the hope of getting some of it back, we will have more of our own money for such research. And, of courses, no non EU country has access to such research, does it?

They must think we are fucking stupid.

1 Comment

  1. Of course we’re fucking stupid: we voted for the arseholes and have let them get away with their shenanigans for years.

    They loved the excuse given by Hungerford & Dunblane to enable them to disarm the public thus ensuring that dissent could only be verbal or written: and the introduction of PC ‘Newspeak’, the introduction of the category of ‘non-violent extremist’, and the crimes of ‘hate speech’, etc., have all cumulatively gone a long way towards neutralising verbal/written dissent.

    Collectively, we are fucking stupid turkeys who have voted for Christmas.

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