Racist, Moi?

Katie Hopkins points us to Creative access, a rather nasty little fake charity.

This very modern form of job discrimination boils down to something very simple which no one can bring themselves to put down in print. It doesn’t help to be white.

And if you are white and hard-working, or fortunate enough to live in a stable home, as Obama would say, you are at the very back of the queue, my friend.

Yup, if you is whitey, you need not apply. To add insult to injury…

Firstly, as a taxpayer. Charities like this spring up around government-funding like ticks on a dog, and Creative Access is no exception.

That’s right. We are paying for this foetid little racist organisation to peddle its wares.


  1. I notice positive discrimination on the news – seems like 50% of reporters/readers are BAME.

  2. Dear Mr Longrider

    Creative Access accounts can be viewed:


    They seem to have been going for only 4 years. Grants total £1m. 3 employees share a measly £47k, up from £1.5k previous year (2014)

    They get most of their funding from Creative Skillset – a fake charity.


    Income £28m, salaries £5m, of which about half goes to contractors. 6 get over £60k, highest paid is over £150k, same 6 get £60k employer’s pension contributions (7%-17%). Nice little earners. 108 employees total.

    They in turn get a wedge from amongst others, BFI, who get £52m of their £99m income from the lottery and another £15m from the Department of Culture, Media and Sport.

    And so it goes on…

    Hope this helps.


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