Oh, Do…

Go fuck yourselves. The metropolitan elite and the luvvies are all upset with us. Apparently, according to these vacuous airheads, we are economically illiterate.

Richard Bacon today blasted people who backed Brexit as ‘chippy, inward looking and ungrateful to Eastern European immigrants’ as stars had their say on the referendum result.

The broadcaster also said that those who voted to leave the EU were also ‘economically illiterate’ in a series of barbed tweets.

Harry Potter creator JK Rowling even said she wished for the magic from her books to go back and change the decision.

The author, who lives in Scotland, wrote: ‘I don’t think I’ve ever wanted magic more’, adding: ‘Scotland will seek independence now. Cameron’s legacy will be breaking up two unions. Neither needed to happen’.

They really hate us, don’t they? The contempt is dripping from their every utterance. Democracy is only a good thing when you are winning, eh?

I am certainly not economically illiterate – I work for myself, so have experienced economic downturns at the sharp end. But this was never about the economy, nor was it about immigration  – and the vile accusations of racism from these scumbags will not be readily forgotten – it was about who makes laws. The EU commission is appointed, not elected. The electorates of Europe have no say in that appointment. It is undemocratic, indeed, positively anti-democratic.  And, y’know, the out of touch luvvies and pollies have had a sharp reminder that, actually, over 50% of the electorate don’t much like the arrangement.

Tough. Get over it. Insulting us won’t change anything – other  than for me to return the contempt in bucket-loads. Indeed, it just looks like a temper tantrum from a bunch of sore losers.

Go fuck yourselves. Move to Brussels, they will  doubtless welcome you with open arms.


  1. I work for myself too. I have just set up a microbrewery with a business partner. A risk but I can drink to forget. I was really pleased with the result. It is what I have campaigned for. These people live in the metropolitan London bubble. It is not like that in rural Huntingdonshire where I live. The pub was rife with political chatter last night. Most of it of course was for leaving. These people in London inhabit a very weird world. Diversity? Well only about 0.1% round here.

  2. Who are more economically illiterate than lefties who believe in the magic effing money tree? The problem that lefties (who would like to govern us) have with democracy is that their stupid policies always leave the economy circling the drain. In a democracy that means that they get booted out at the next election. No wonder these people prefer an undemocratic outfit like the EU, they can build their utopia and nobody can remove them from power.

  3. Farron this morning looked as if he was going to weep with rage when he was being interviewed and in his childish tantrum insulted half the population – so that’s the LibDumbs wiped out altogether, then.

  4. I could not agree more: for me the issue was always about sovereignty, accountability and democracy.

    Imperfect though our system might be, it is infinitely preferable to rule by diktat from unaccountable Gauleiters.

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