At Which Point…

I stopped reading….

As a British Muslim, I’m terrified that Theresa May – winner of 2015’s Islamophobe of the Year – is my new Prime Minister

And that’s just the headline. Given that this fuckwit is wearing his medieval superstition as if it is some sort of badge of courage that makes him special, nothing he has to say below the headline is going to be worth reading. Given that he uses the term Islamophobe when there is no such thing as Islamophobia, then it certainly isn’t going to be worth wasting five minutes of anyone’s time wading through the inevitable whining drivel.

Irrespective of what you might think about the Tories, Theresa May, Brexit or any of  the other stuff going on, this is blatant special pleading and Saheen Sattar can go hang.


  1. I just knew that when I clicked the Indie was going to come up. What a vile rag it is – been trying to stir it up since Brexit.

  2. Crap article on the Independent – but at least the writer gets some well-deserved stick in the comments.

  3. …because May is that much of an ‘Islamicphobe’- she publicly stated that Sharia courts ‘benefit Britain’.

    Who is Shaheen Sattar anyway?

  4. Chris,
    I understand that misogyny is now being held as a hate crime. These decisions have to go through the Home Office so Theresa May would have been aware of it. I therefore find it difficult to understand how she could suggest that learning from a branch of the most misogynistic cult on the planet could be of benefit? When does being allowed to beat your wife because she doesn’t want to have sex not misogynistic, or domestic violence, or assault, or even marital rape? Perhaps all mosques are now issued with Get Out of Jail cards?

  5. “winner of 2015’s Islamophobe of the Year”

    I wonder what it was that she did to earn this accolade? Whatever it was, my opinion of her has improved slightly. I wonder if the positive comment about Shariah was one of those diplomatic things that politicians say through clenched teeth?

    • Apparently for the Counter Terrorism and Security Act. The award is conferred by the Islamic Human Rights Commission, now there is an oxymoron. Muslims demand human rights for themselves while believing in a barbaric, Medieval cult that denies pretty much every human right there is.

  6. LR, no-one’s claimed responsibility yet, but it sounds like the “Religion of Peace” may have been up to its fun and games in France again. They soooo want to integrate with their hosts that they just couldn’t wait to join the party, it seems.

    May just be a lone nutter of no particular religion, but I know what my money will be on …

    • If you believe that an utterly evil, murderous, thieving pedophile like Mohammed is god’s special messenger and that every one of his fabricated pronunciations (revelations) is binding on you, then you and your moral compass are seriously fucked up. More to the point, you are not fit to live in western, liberal democracies that value basic human freedoms. We need to start repatriating Muslims back to the Islamic shitholes they came from or, for those born in the West, we need to send them to their Islamic nirvanas.

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