Questions to Which…

The answer is “no”.

Atif Rashid Are Islamic values compatible with Western values?

There’s some bullshit in this risible piece. A variation of “it’s nothing to do with Islam”.

The core Western values of democracy, freedom and justice can be seen as the bedrock of its civilisation – and for practising, informed Muslims, freedom and democratic values are anything but new to them. Islam from its very outset advocated for complete freedom, justice and democratic values.

Gobsmacked! Really! I mean, really? This is a totalitarian ideology that micromanages every aspect of its acolytes’ lives. That treats women as second class citizens whose word  is worth less than that of a man, an ideology that is utterly intolerant of western values, that was spread through the Middle East by sword-point, that treats non-believers as less than human (Jizya, anyone?).

How, exactly, is this in any way compatible with Western values? And where, exactly in all of this is Islam’s advocacy  for such values? Fucking Hellski! And the references to  the Quran in the article are subject to some pretty selective interpretation, frankly.

Islamic and Western values are one and the same, and they have been for longer than you could possibly imagine.

Slavery is freedom.


  1. To prove his case all he has to do is point out the Islamic countries that demonstrate Western values.

    But for some reason he doesn’t do that.

  2. Malaysia is maybe 75% Muslim yet democratic (sort of),secular and tolerant.

    Indonesia also, though much more affected by corruption.

  3. Well, of course, Islam was only possible because of all those democratic elections PedoMo kept winning, 613, 618, 623, the snap election of 625 to defeat the Stop Having Sex With Goats Party, and 630. If he’d been defeated in any of these, Islam would have risked being a cockeyed mish mash of elements of Judaism and Christianity, supplemented by evil, twisted, barbaric fabrications incapable of being modernised in the 21st Century.

  4. An Islamic cleric had stated it is OK for a Muslim to beat his wife if she doesn’t want to have sex (domestic violence, assault, marital rape?). How can those values be the same as western values? The Saudis have shown that they have joined the 21st century by declaring that women can now be classed as human beings (though still without any rights)! The same as western values? Probably, but several thousand years behind the West. As far as I am aware, they don’t practice FGM in Esher or Padstow, though there have been cases in Leeds, Rotherham and Birmingham. The ‘values of the huge Muslim communities in these areas may have something to do with that. What made me smile was reading that Leicestershire Police were now treating mysoginy as a hate crime when a large portion of their communities are from the most misogynistic cult on the planet. Perhaps the diversity department will come up with different levels of mysoginy?

  5. Not a lot I can add. [And yes, really is me posting, but from the new computer. 🙂 ]

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