Islamification of the Police

I realise that plod has been losing his way for a number of years now, but this!

police force could become the first in the country to allow officers to wear the full-face veil after it launched a recruitment drive to increase diversity.

West Midlands Police said it has “no barriers” relating to the burka as they announced that they would discuss allowing the traditional Islamic dress to become part of a policewoman’s uniform.

Chief Constable David Thompson said he would look into employing officers who wear the burka if the issue arose, as the force tries to increase the percentage of black and minority ethnic (BME) officers in the region to 30 per cent.

Jesus H Christ on a pogo stick!

The move was last night criticised by MPs, including David Davies, who worked as a police officer in London for nine years and told the Telegraph he is “horrified” by the suggestion.

Yah don’t say… Fuck me rigid! Bring on the jizya, why don’t you?


  1. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a police force that understood that their job was to enforce the law and nothing else. They don’t need diversity, they just need to treat everyone the same without regard to race or creed. Why is that difficult?

  2. In line with my culture, I’d refuse to talk to someone with their face covered for reasons of backward, medieval beliefs. But then I’d probably then find myself arrested for a hate crime.

  3. It is an utterly moronic idea. Given that police would need to move rapidly and communicate effectively, a burqua would prevent both of these. How can somebody dressed as a post box communicate? When I was last at University, one burqua clad individual was to have its (her?) photo taken and all the men had to leave the room. If she continued to wear the burqua, what use would the I/d be as she refused to show her face?

  4. Not to mention the fact that if it’s a blue burqua, she will immediately be surrounded by a horde of geeks instituting an impromptu Dr. Who convention.

  5. When I saw this story I thought that if a Muslim woman is so devout she wears a burqua in public, how will she be able to approach male crminals (who we must assume are not all her relatives) and say “‘ello ‘ello ‘ello, I’ve got you bang to rights my lad.”

  6. Unable to physically restrain or arrest any male unless he is her husband or brother; unwilling to be posted to the dog section; not able to work undercover on the vice squad; not able to work nights as no one will see them; not able to be double crewed with a male Police officer unless (see above); the list is endless. Do they wear their stab proof vests or hi viz jackets over or under their bin bags? I reckon the whole idea is a plan by CC Dave to improve his standing within the 6th century community, and when it all falls flat, he can rightly claim it wasn’t his fault. His subsequent peerage for diversity, obscene expenses, and Police pension will take away the hurt that most of his officers think he’s a tw#t!

    • You defame them, Penseivat, they’re a 7th century community. An evil, barbaric, misogynistic, homophobic, kiddy fiddling 7th century community.

    • There are echoes here of the Matthew Tate saga. However, in this case I take a stronger view. The police force issues the uniform and people who join have signed up to wear it. And, like the French, I believe officers of the state have no business displaying overt religious symbols and the police force should not be adjusting its uniform to appease them. Don’t like the uniform? Don’t join.

  7. But just think of the improvement in diversity if recruits were able to have uniforms more fitting to their religious beliefs. An ex Police colleague has a Spanish father, so just think how people would approve of him wearing a white pointed hat with mask, and white cloak, like they did during the Spanish Inquisition? As a born and bred Englishman with Christian(ish) beliefs, I still regret not being allowed to wear a white tabard with a red Crusader cross on the front. We went from being the boys in blue to the men in black and it was boring. CC Dave could lead the way by wearing a clown’s hat. Unfortunately, like Islam, West Midland Police probably don’t do irony (or sarcasm).
    Penseivat, not Penseivag. I hate typing on a tiny tablet!

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