So It’ll be Advisory Then?

As Wee Willie Krankie pushes through another referendum bill, I am inclined to ask, in the event of a “leave” vote, will it merely be advisory so that parliament can override the result? Will it be a consequence of a misinformed electorate who are anti-English racists? Will they all be labelled as stupid, ill-informed Daily Mail readers who are past their sell-by date? And will there be a push to overturn the verdict of the Scottish people, ‘cos, you know, the metropolitan elite know what’s best after all?

Or is it one rule for them and another for us?


  1. If there is going to be another referendum on Scottish “independence”, shouldn’t the rest of us in the UK get a vote on whether or not we want Scotland to remain? Frankly, from an economic view we could gain a lot from leaving Scotland to the mercies of their “friends” in the EU: the permanent English subsidy to the Scots would cease for a start and maybe even the BBC would cease (well, limit – it is the BBC after all) broadcasting the whining from Edinburgh.

    On a personal level, I’d be sad to see Scotland go but I suspect – if a majority of Scots prefer their laws to be made in Brussels – there will be an exodus South of intelligent, civilised, well-educated and, more to the point, genuine refugees from North Britain. Maybe, with a bit of luck even London would revert to being recognisably North European in population and character.

  2. As as Scot dominciled in England I wonder what is the East Lothian Question ? How much of taxes generated in England is paid in Danegeld to Scotland. Not all North Sea oil makes landfall in Scotland to earn taxes for that Kingdom, What other businesses in Scotland earn bawbees for that land ? To summarise, without the money paid to the good Burghers of Scotia from evel England, could the Scots pay their massive welfare bill ?

  3. Have I missed something? I wasn’t aware that the Scottish Parliament had the authority to call a referendum. Doesn’t that require a bill to be passed at Westminster?

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