Oh, Good Grief!

Lily Allen again…

Lily Allen has said animosity towards refugees in Britain should be compared to Hitler and the Nazis.

The singer, 31, also criticised anyone who questioned the age of child asylum seekers entering the UK and said: ‘It shouldn’t matter’.

Suggesting Britons are victims of Goebbels-style propaganda she said: ‘From a very early age, we are taught about the Second World War and how evil Hitler was. You always wonder how he managed to get the whole country to go along with that. Now we’re seeing it.’.

She added: ‘But I don’t want to be a good German. I want to be on the right side of history’.

Yeah, ‘cos questioning the age of these “children” is exactly like sending them in cattle trucks to a concentration camp and giving them a shower of Zyklon B.

Fucking Hellski! Idiocy doesn’t even come close to describing it.


  1. It would probably come as a shock to her if it were suggested that her comparison trivializes the suffering of holocaust victims.

  2. It matters Lily love because they are lying to us to jump a very long queue. And if they lie to us about their age when many of them are obviously taking the piss, what else are they going to lie to us about? Well the suspicion of us sceptical folk, is … pretty much everything else. They have no compunction of elbowing their fellow “refugees” out of the way to get first dibs on our free stuff, so why should my heart bleed for them and give them free reign?

  3. Is she about to release a new album? Or is it just that sales of her old stuff are flagging because she is old news?

  4. Didn’t Hitler ‘export’ the Jews to the camps, not ‘import’ them?

    What do they teach in schools nowadays? At any rate if he was around today the BBC would be supporting him.

  5. The cabbie who told her to find an immigrant to drive her and her children and called her a stupid tart did every man and woman in the UK a favour for telling her straight what an idiot she is.

  6. Nice to be able to point to someone well known and specific, instead of just generally pointing to SJW snowflakes.

  7. Given that Allen is in perpetual competion with Charlotte Church for moron of the millenium, I am now worried what the Welsh pottymouth’s counter to this is going to be.

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