La Trump?

Marine Le Pen thinks she might enjoy a Trump moment.

France’s far-right leader has told the BBC that Donald Trump’s victory in the US has boosted her own chances of being elected president next year.

Marine Le Pen, who leads the French National Front (FN), said Mr Trump had “made possible what had previously been presented as impossible”.

She is widely expected to reach the second round of the election in May.

It would, of course, amuse me greatly as my sense of anarchy is enjoying all those anthills being kicked over. However, last time around the two big players colluded to squeeze her out, so expect more of the same this time. On balance, I don’t think she will.


  1. I don’t really know much about Le Pen or her politics, but since she is routinely described as ‘Far Right’ in the MSM, I assume that to mean that she would prefer France to retain it’s current judicial system rather than adopt Sharia, and for the predominant religion to remain Catholicism.

    Whatever, it would be quite entertaining to see her rattle some establishment cages in the forthcoming elections.

  2. Isn’t it funny that Le Pen is the only European politican who has been able to present her views to the British people? We may have heard of Merkyl and Hollande but what do they stand for?

    Seculism and national unity are core French values dating from their bloody revolutions – the French ‘know who they are’ and Le Pen clearly espouses that logic.

    We ‘know who we are’ too but New Labour and its followers in the ‘Conservative’ and ‘Liberal Democrats’, (so-called), have tried to persuade us that we have no culture or history, we are just part of a slightly earlier wave of immigrants that must give way to the newer and better one taking place now.

  3. I think LePen gave a very credtible interview on Marr. Her politics – as presented – are not at all fascist in the manner many in the UK media care to present her.

    Indeed she noises Le Pen makes are very much the same as those made by Trump and UKIP on the hallowed subject of open immigration. The chances that Le Pen will galvanise a popular mood in France, which as I understand it is a country far more divided and angry over mass immigration than the UK is, and get onto the voting slip is very real.

    As you say, the political system and political history in France tell us it won’t happen, but these are unusual times for established political thinking.

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