One to Avoid

Brendan Cox giving the alternative Christmas message.

The widower of murdered MP Jo Cox will deliver this year’s alternative Christmas message on Channel 4.

Brendan Cox will call for an end to the “rise of hatred” in the broadcast on 25 December.

He will also pay tribute to his wife and discuss the “awful year for our family” in the pre-recorded message.

Is it just me, or is this entirely devoid of any taste whatsoever? An attempt to cash in on his wife’s tragic death? I find myself siding with Nigel Farage in his recent spat with Hope not Hate. He was right about how these people operate – they are utterly intransigent when it comes to “hate”. This is simply their latest means of shutting down opinions they dislike. The terms “far-right” and “populist”, for example used to castigate a whole swathe of people whose opinions are far from extreme – rather they are traditionally conservative. They are opinions I don’t necessarily share, but they are not extreme, they are not hateful and expressing them should not, under any circumstances, be shut down, which is what Cox and his fellow travellers would have happen.

The evidence? Well, when openly challenged by Nige, who was merely expressing a perfectly valid opinion and having experienced the left’s ire first-hand (it is precisely how the SJWs behave, after all), their response was to demand an apology or legal action would follow. Do these people not grasp how free speech works? People get to say things you don’t like. They get to offend you and you are free to respond in kind – to justify your position. Hope not Hate is just another leftist front that seeks to shut down the majority – those who do not share their warped version of the world. Their version of hate is so fluid, you are probably included. Especially if you voted to leave – that makes you a racist xenophobe hater after all.

It would be nice if Brendan Cox grieved for his wife with a little dignity rather than parading it across our television screens – or, worse, Twatter, that medium designed for the hard-of-thinking and used accordingly.


  1. I must be one of those “racist xenophobe haters” then!

    The Left hate free speech, and will attempt to shut it down at every opportunity. If memory serves me right, wasn’t the odious Cox present on wanchor Geldof’s gin palace on the Thames flicking V signs at the protesting fishermen?

    Call me heartless ba$stard if you like, but I have no compassion for that c*nt whatsoever. I do however feel sorry for the children – it must be tough on them.

  2. And doesn’t it say something that Channel 4 is so keen to give a platform to a hater like Cox?

    We used to talk about ‘the silent majority’, ‘the silenced majority’ is nearer the mark. Any ‘minority’ view no matter, dare I say it, ‘extreme’, and our media falls over themselves to promote it.

    • I notice that in response to Farage, Nick Lowles engages in some serious projection.

      This is how these people operate. They attempt to vilify, abuse and bully their opponents into silence. Whether it is Farage in the UK or Donald Trump in the US, they think they can demonise their opponents without any thought for the damage it causes or the anger and hatred it incites in their supporters. And it’s a David v Goliath struggle, where the other side portrays itself as the underdog yet in reality is backed by an online army and millionaires in the wings.

      My irony meter just went boing!

      • Actuality these hard leftist are projecting their own capacity for hatred and intolerance onto others. It’s not conservatives who ban newspapers from universities, create “safe spaces” where contrary views won’t be permitted, and no platform any they disagree with. Twitter contains many leftist death threats and calls for terrorists to kill Nigel Farage by the hard left. Leftist hate mobs attack (often physically) those who try to express opinions contrary to their own regularly; their middle class crowds of posh kids riot through London regularly; they screech at and spit on those going into Conservative party conferences. Many not supporting Corbyn who is part of the Labour party knows all about hard left intolerance and intimidation. The tactic being used by the likes of Knowles and Cox a is typical of what their ilk been doing for decades.

  3. Farage may or may not be right, but there seems to be some assumption in places like The Guardian that Brendan Cox is above political criticism and untouchable simply because of the loss of his wife, which is of course, bollocks.

  4. Was I the only person who saw the massive hypocrisy in Brendan Cox accusing Farage of making political capital out of tragedy (when Farage accused Merkel of being complicit in the German terrorist attack in Berlin)?
    I think Farage did very well not to say ‘Well thats what you and people like you have been doing pal, ever since your wife was murdered!’, because I for one wouldn’t have been able to stop myself.

  5. “My wife was defenceless as were so many victims and so I’m calling for the right of concealed-carry”.
    Then it wouldn’t be bollox.
    (And Happy Christmas.)

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