
The BBC and Grauniad banned from Trumpton.

The White House barred several news organizations from an off-camera press briefing on Friday, handpicking a select group of reporters that included a number of conservative outlets friendly toward Donald Trump.

The “gaggle” with Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary, took place in lieu of his daily briefing and was originally scheduled as an on-camera event.

It would take a heart of stone… Given the inanity of their output and their utter inability to present a fair, unbiased report, I’m relaxed about this. I detest politicians. I detest the press, for they are purveyors of lies, half-truths and propaganda. They have peddled the leftist agenda without challenge or question for far too long now. So Trump is refusing to talk to them. Maybe that’s a mistake – but given that they will put a negative spin on whatever he says, the Freddie Mercury approach does have some appeal. Mercury took the view that as they were going to make it up anyway, why give them ammunition?

Besides the squealing from the usual quarters is a source of great amusement. Popcorn sales must be skyrocketing.


  1. The Beeb today hasn’t been able to stop talking about it in tones of concerned, injured bewilderment 🙂

  2. Schadenfreude: maybe it’s wrong but in this case it’s so entertaining and satisfying. Apart from the fact that you can’t call the apparatchiks from the Beeb or the Grauniad “Journalists” without contravening the Trades Descriptions Act.

  3. It’s a White House event, they can invite or not invite whoever they want.

    From a BBC viewpoint:
    @LR, you didn’t invite me to your birthday party. Thus, you banned me attending.

    /BBC viewpoint

    It’s warped logic, fake news & childish petulance

  4. Frankly the whole press corps should just boycott Trump and the WHite House Press Conferences and ignore them. Starved of the oxygen of attention, Trump would be squealing in 2 hours.

    But the press won’t combine to tackle Trump, with his Brietbart engineered media management, bad facts and faked news. Unfortuunately for the peoples of the world the news organisations will fight each other and pander to Trump’s every whim just to print whatever mad bollocks he decides to spew every day.

    • Trump doesn’t need any of the MSM, and certainly wouldn’t squeal if they decided to boycott him. In fact, I rather think he would be mighty pleased to be able to get on with what he wants to do to drag his country out of the PC quagmire it is currently languishing in without having to concern himself with brainless and biased reporters. I think he finds social media more than sufficient for his needs.

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