Well, Count Me Out!

No, I don’t want to pay more.

A majority of Britons are prepared to pay more council tax to help stem the growing crisis in social care, with some ready to hand over £200 a year extra, according to a new survey.

In all, 57% of the public are ready to pay more council tax in order to boost social care. Funding care has become a key domestic political challenge after years of falling town hall budgets led to cuts in home services for older people.

As I have repeatedly mentioned here, the state – both national and local – wastes money hand over fist on stuff we do not need. When they have stopped doing that and used some of that surplus to fund social care, they can come back and ask the question. Until then, fuck off. Not one penny more in tax of any sort. We already pay far too much and these thieving scum waste it on fake charities, useless IT systems, over-paid CEOs and other sundry crap we neither need nor want. Did I say fuck off already?


  1. What they should do is publish everything the local council spends money on, item by item, and invite local people to indicate whether or not they are happy for their rates to be spent on each item. I think a lot of the funding would be found to be unpopular, especially of NGOs.

    • South Gloucestershire did that for a couple of years. The response was overwhelmingly that we did not want to pay more and they had to peg the council tax rates. The last time I got one, I put that I didn’t want to pay for any of the items on the list – they didn’t include stuff like streetlights and emptying the bins – it was all bollocks that we don’t need and don’t want.

      I think they’ve stopped asking 😉

  2. Well, they can do then. Nothing to stop them writing a cheque. Although I suspect their attitude might change when actually asked for the money.

  3. Yeah people *say* that but wait until you hoik everyone’s bills by £200 and send them out. They be around the town hall with fire and pitchforks in under an hour. Any fule noes that.

  4. I agree. They now have 14 billion going spare being given away to various depots indirectly or NGOs to buy fleets of Toyota Landcruisers.

  5. Saying and doing not the same thing at all.

    How many ‘ready’ to hand over another £200 per years would actually do so?

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