1. Nothing new here.

    For those of us who ran into these nutters some time ago, I am unsurprised.
    They sound & look exactly like a “modern” ( you should excuse the word) version of the extreme covenanters or the OSD.

    Actually, it’s an OLD war & prats like Littlejohn are very late-to-the-game.
    Look up A HERF=”https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sayyid_Qutb”>Sayyid Qutb eh?
    Or, even more tellingly, someone who Qutb admired Amin el-Husseini a devout muslim follower of … Adolf.

    This is a war that we supposed finished, 9 months before I was born … yeah.

    What was it J R R Tolkien said:
    “After every defeat & a respite, the Shadow takes another form & grows again”

  2. So why aren’t we interning (and deporting those we can) these 3000 plus jihadis living in the UK? It’s what you do in war time.

    • Why?

      Human Rights Act/ECHR/Liberal Left Judiciary/Liberal Left Senior Plod – all with a common purpose.**

      **Delete as appropriate

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