
Alastair Campbell.

Mr Campbell, in a tweet he has since deleted, said: ‘Mrs May is happy enough to tolerate the extremism of the Brextremist Lie Machine newspapers spewing hate day after day.’

Mr Campbell, who remains a Labour activist and journalist, came under a storm of criticism for his tweet.

Because, of course, wanting to be free of the Brussels bureaucracy is exactly like marauding through London and Manchester murdering people who don’t believe in a particular sky pixie. A storm of criticism is the very least this treacherous scumbag deserves.

What a vile shitbag this man is.

After deleting the message he added: ‘Previous tweet deleted. Agreed it was over the top.

You don’t say?

‘But was genuinely angry at Mrs May’s speech which was highly political and ill judged.’

I’d agree, but probably not for the same reasons. I heard nothing new from May this morning. As far as I could see it was more of the usual platitudes about this not being about Islam, that it is a perversion of Islam and that the Internet needs regulation. Yeah, yeah, yeah; the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over in the hope of it succeeding this time. The people who engage in these attacks are rampant cowards, which is why they recognise and capitalise on the cowardice of others.

This is everything to do with Islam. It is not a perversion; it is at the very core of the belief system and until our politicians grab this particular nettle, nothing will change. But, never mind, we can always regulate the Internet – and doubtless persecute prosecute folk who say offensive things about Islam. That will solve things…

Fuck me!


  1. You would have thought that Campbell, of all people, would have learned the lesson of pumping bullshit information into the public domain for political gain at a time of national emergency.

    And as things stand, his pivotal role in the dodgy dossier still stands head and shoulders worse than anything Theresa May may have said.

  2. To be fair, May does not say nothing to do with Islam. This is part of her speech:

    “First; while the recent attacks are not connected by common networks, they are connected by important sense. They re bound together by the single evil ideology of Islamist extremism, that preaches hatred, sows division and promotes sectarianism.

    “It is an ideology that claims our Western values of freedom, democracy and human rights are incompatible with the religion of Islam. It is an ideology that is a perversion of Islam, and perversion of the truth.

    “Defeating this ideology is one of the great challenges of our time, but it cannot be defeated by military intervention alone. It will not be defeated through the maintenance of a permanent defensive counter-terrorism operation, however skilful its practitioners and leaders.

    “It will only be defeated when we turn people’s minds away from this violence and make them understand that our values, pluralistic British values, are superior to anything offered by the preachers and supporters of hate.”

    Not perfect, but surely an improvement. Oh and yes Campbell is an utter shit.

    • It is an ideology that is a perversion of Islam, and perversion of the truth.

      That’s the killer quote, though. It is not a perversion of Islam. It is at its very core. How do these people think it spread across the Arabian peninsular in the first place? It is a religion of conquest, of violence and death. Islam is not and never was a religion of peace. So, yeah, a small step in the right direction, but she still fails to grasp the nettle.

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