We Do Diversity…

Well, actually, we don’t.

The computer engineer fired by Google for suggesting women are less suited to certain roles in tech and leadership is considering taking legal action against the company.

Good luck to him with that. What he has demonstrated perfectly is the point he made in his manifesto.

Damore had argued in a document circulated internally and then leaked that “Google’s left bias has created a politically correct mono-culture that maintains its hold by shaming dissenters into silence”.

Or sack them, it seems. Google, like other large organisations has become infested with leftist groupthink and anyone who diverts from this, who dares to display wrongthink is roundly destroyed. On the face of it, this is merely a my gaff my rules situation. However, what it does do is make a lie of Google’s claim that employees may raise issues that are on their mind.

She said part of being open was “fostering a culture in which those with alternative views, including different political views, feel safe sharing their opinions”. But she said that needed to work alongside principles of equal employment and anti-discrimination laws.

In other words, the first part of that statement is risible bullshit and you have no such culture as Damore has so ably demonstrated.

As for people finding the memo hurtful and offensive, so what? Why should your tender feelings matter? If you can’t cope with other people expressing thoughts you don’t like without demanding that they lose their livelihood, you need to grow up. Your feelings are an irrelevance. You have no right not to be offended.


  1. There are some parts of Damore’s memo that I could quibble with. But he had every right to speak his mind. Furthermore, it was intended to be internal — someone else made it public. Dismissing Damore is totally inexcusable.

  2. If Google encouraged its employees to smoke freely in the company provided smoking lounge, then when these snowflakes become angered, enraged, upset, scared, burst into tears or feel offended someone holds a different idea than the groupthink does, they could go into the smoking lounge, light up a few Lucky Strikes or Camels, smoke off the tension and get back to work, without anyone having to be fired. It would be more effective than the company providing squishy balls, twirly gigs and forcing vegan diets. But instead, anti-smoking, as a fixed way of life, becomes the most rigid preliminary conforming statute, upon which the rest of them are then built upon. Smoke at Google and be fired, just as easily or even faster.

  3. You know what he did wrong, don’t you? He should have asked a woman to write his memo for him. Everybody knows they have much better communication skills than men. 😉

  4. If I were to circulate a memo attacking the founding principles of the company I work for, I would be fired for bringing the company into disrepute. That’s how the real world works.

    But the modern snowflake right has little experience of the real world. Many of these rightists in the UK are unemployable and blame foreigners and the “liberal metropolitan elite” for their own failures. That why so many of them were supportive of brexit. It was one in the eye for those harder working, better educated and better paid than they.

    I don’t like the corporate culture of Google. But I wouldn’t work for a company that wants such control and visibility of things I consider to be wholly private matters. Why did this disgruntled little conservative choose to work for it? Was he trying for rightist martyrdom? Perhaps he should petition the Trumpshitter for an internship at the White House. His sense of whiney entitlement would fit well in that environment

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