
Apparently, those of us – white men, specifically – who do not go along with the PC leftist bullshit peddled by the Grauinad, BBC et al, have been radicalised. Note the use of language here. Much like the term denier is used to vilify and besmirch anyone who dares to criticise the ideas propagated by proponents of AGW. It is a deliberate slur, to place us on the same platform as the murderous jihadis. However, despite my utter contempt for the leftist SJWs, it is not I who resorts to violence, it is not I who loots and rampages when my preferred options do not win elections and I have never planned to strap on a suicide belt and blow up innocent children.

So, no, I have not been radicalised. I merely see through the deception, lies and propaganda being pushed by the left for what they are.

However, the article is trying to claim that James Damore has been similarly radicalised – he couldn’t have possibly been guilty of wrongthought unless he had been subjected to the propaganda of the alt-right on You Tube. Apparently. It’s the usual boilerplate leftist bollocks. The presence of such wronghtought on YouTube allows white men to get bad ideas. Reading between the lines, these people want to censor what we can find on the interwebs, because wrongthought.

Although YouTube has faced significant public scrutiny for hosting terrorist propaganda and enabling Isis recruitment, there has been much less discussion about whether, and if so, to what extent, the platform is radicalizing young white men in America who feel under attack by liberalism and disenfranchised by social progress.

It’s not liberalism. It is the antithesis of liberalism. Liberalism allows for free speech, no matter how awful the views being expressed. These people are not liberals. They are totalitarian scum.

Peterson’s personality research is published in respected journals, but his passionate criticisms of leftwing ideologies and “political correctness” that have made the biggest splash online. Last year, he earned the sympathy of the “alt-right” and grew his YouTube fame when he argued that it was his free speech right to refuse to use gender-neutral pronouns for trans and non-binary students [even as a trans person myself, I have no problem with this – I just ignore it. Ed].

The academic has also argued that the idea of white privilege is racist, the concept of cultural appropriation is nonsense, modern feminism and women’s studies are dangerous to western society and advancements in gender equality can be bad for women.

None of those views would receive much credibility in mainstream academic circles, and he has proved a divisive figure on campus in Toronto. But among some YouTube viewers, Peterson is nothing short of a celebrity.

Probably because outside the rarefied atmosphere of leftist academia, people find such PC nonsense repugnant?


  1. Couldn’t agree more. James Damore is one of the few sane and normal people in a hotbed of looney ‘liberal’ fascism. I believe that well over 90% of people find PC wrong – unfortunately a large number think it merely amusingly annoying and do not recognise the sinister purpose behind it.

    Their appropriation of language “…who feel under attack by liberalism and disenfranchised by social progress…” is cleverly subtle. Disagree with them and you are anti-progress.

    Who decided their PC fascism qualified for the term “progressive”?

  2. My political position hasn’t really changed much since the 1980s. I would suggest that it is the lefties that are being radicalised, becoming more lefty and more and more intolerant of anyone else’s point of view with every passing moment.

    • It isn’t that lefties are becoming more intolerant it’s that what defines a lefty nowadays that is the problem. All this SJW bullshit is a creation to steer the real left away from what actually matters and that is to make the lives of the poorest in society better. The creation of individual groups all vying for the biggest victim title stops people uniting against things that really matter. It’s all smoke and mirrors but the “new” left are too stupid to see that they are anything but left wing. Suggest to them that some underclass people are moving in next door and you see the true colours of these nimby’s

      • Yeah, according to some here & on Readwald ( OoL seem to not want to know) I’m a raving leftty, yet I remember & admire H Macmillan & E Heath ( I even remember CHurchill speaking ( I was 9 at the time )
        But, because I don’t crawl up Trump’s anus, I’m leftwing scum

      • “… what actually matters … is to make the lives of the poorest in society better.”

        This we can agree on. The problem is that socialism has always failed to do so. The only way to help the poor and indeed everyone else to have a more prosperous life is to have a thriving economy. The only way this has ever been achieved, is by having limited government and low taxes.

  3. Once You Tube become gatekeepers of content, we’re done. As far as speech is concerned we’ll become Gilead.

  4. Well if what the Grauniad author says is the case, I’ve been ‘radicalised’ since age nineteen and quite comfortable about it. Petersen just says what I’ve been thinking all along. No change.

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