Egregious Bullshit

The usual racist anti-white crap.

‘Honestly I don’t have energy to talk about the racial violence of white people any more. Yes ALL white people.

‘Because most of ya’ll don’t even realise or refuse to acknowledge that your existence, privilege and success as a race is built on the backs, blood and death of people of colour. Your entire existence is drenched in racism. From micro-aggressions to terrorism, you guys built the blueprint for this s***.

‘Come see me when you realise that racism isn’t learned, it’s inherited and consciously or unconsciously passed down through privilege.

‘Once white people begin to admit that their race is the most violent and oppressive force of nature on Earth… then we can talk.

‘Until then stay acting shocked about how the world continues to stay f***** at the hands of your ancestors and your heads that remain buried in the sand with hands over your ears.’

This is pure racism – as well as being bullshit. And as a consequence, it appears that L’Oreal is going to drop her. Good. Let her suffer the consequences of free speech as she and her fellow travellers insist that white people be made to suffer. Goose and gander and all that. These people are so vile, words don’t come close.


  1. That’s a dangerous thing to say,when I read that my first thought was how many White folk will read that and get angry to the point of becoming openly hostile to the whole idea of social justice? If you’re going to treat White people as Nazis regardless of what they actually do or say then what do they have to lose by actually being a Nazi?

    • You gave me a thought there Andy. You see, reading the words “that my first thought was how many White folk will read that and get angry” could also be read as “that my first thought was how many White folk will read that and get offended”

      On that basis, and according to law these days, what she has said could quite rightly be considered “Hate Crime”

      Two can play this f*cking game !

        • Ive just read on various websites that she has been sacked by L`Oreal for her comments,I suspect the reaction she expected was plaudits for her bravery in attacking that softest of modern targets ie white people rather than being handed her P45 and told to clear off.
          Question is though,is she now non persona non grata in the fashion world or has this upped her street cred?

          • so who is going to boycott L`Oreal? the overwhelmingly white customer base that have just been so gratuitously attacked? I cannot see it happening somehow.

  2. White people invented the modern world, without which most of us, probably her included, would be scraping a living from the ground via subsistence farming. In any case, it is totally witless to try to blame people for things that happened long before they were born. I mean, what does she expect me to do, go back in time and sort it out?

  3. Ummm, look at the photos, she was sacked because she is starting to look like Aunt Jemima.

    Many black women are gorgeous young, but descending rapidly into grossly overweight Whoopi Goldbergs, and just as stupid and mouthy.

  4. Old joke. A vicar is showing a lady round his lovely garden with his gardener. What a beautiful garden you have created here, said the lady. Well, said the vicar, you mean, that God has created. Yes, said the gardener, and you should have seen it when God had it to himself.

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