Double Standards

So, in the week that we are told that the state, so bereft of funds, is to pursue historic parking fines. So historic are they, that the victims of this outrageous piece of extortion cannot disprove the claims, even when they are false.

In one incident a man was charged with a driving offence, despite being abroad at the time, but as a result of the mounting late repayment charges was left with no choice but to pay up.

Now we are now told that liars and fantasists who were given thousands of pounds of our money have been able to keep it.

Fantasists who allege they were sex abuse victims are being allowed to keep taxpayer-funded compensation – even after their claims have been exposed as false, a Telegraph investigation can reveal.

There’s a message here; the state is not your friend. At least it is not the friend of the law-abiding majority. If you are a liar, thief, fantasists or a vile race-monger with a high melanin count then the world is the mollusc of your choice and the state’s coffers will open up to you so that you may feast at your leisure.

The state is evil. The state is your enemy. The state is not your friend. It is their friend. If politicians and the uncivil service didn’t have double standards they would be bereft of any at all. Scum. The lot of them. Evil fucking scum.


  1. Surely the woman accused of not having had a TV license could say that she didn’t have a TV at the time and invite them to prove otherwise. Presumably the problem here is the expense of taking these matters to court. Most people can’t afford to risk it and these days being totally innocent is no guarantee of winning your case. I wonder if it is possible for victims of this scam to get together to fight it?

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