Further To

This and this.

I don’t usually engage with Stephen when he comments here because his usual behaviour is to scatter foam specked invective and leave, never bothering to engage with anyone who tries to argue against his nonsense. However, I am going to raise it here in more general terms. Anyone following these two discussions will see that he exposes for us the hate-filled, misanthropic ideology of the left. His comments about the working class, for example:

A Tantrum by those so idle and uneducated they are outcompeted by those for whom English is a second or third language. The delicious and just irony in this is that the non working classes will be shafted far more comprehensively by brexshit Britain that they ever were before.

How soon the mask slips, eh? The left, so typified by our oh, so superior Stephen despises the working classes they profess to care for and represent. They are uneducated and thick according to people such as Stephen. Well, so now we know. Make no mistake; the left despises the working classes, the lumpen proletariat, that is so beneath them.

In the discussion about organ donation we see the autocratic and deeply authoritarian underbelly exposed. What use is our liver when we are dead? This fallacy is used time and again by the people who think the state should sequester our bodies without consent. The issue here is consent not what happens to our bodies after death – that is an irrelevance.

JuliaM raises the point about goods and chattels. There have been articles in the Guardian raising that very issue. Of course, it being the Grauniad, the articles propose that they should, indeed, be seized by the state and redistributed according to the state; that there should be no inherited wealth because it is unearned and “equality” or some such fuckwittery. The left hates us. Not just you and I, but all of us – every single one of us – even those who vote Labour because their parents did and because they are the champions of the working class. No they are not! It is an ideology of hatred, anger, envy, spite and misanthropy and Stephen shows us all of this as his mask has slipped. He posts in anger and in his anger, that vile misanthropy is shown to us. Which is useful, so I’m happy to leave it there.

Sure, sometimes I post in anger, but usually I stop and ponder before putting pen to paper as it were. I like to consider my argument and think it through. If there is a consistent meme here, it isn’t anger, it is of mistrust and cynicism. I mistrust the state and its motives. The state is my enemy and I treat it accordingly and so far, nothing has proved me wrong to do so. Maybe one day I will be pleasantly surprised, but I’m not holding my breath on that one.

Given that it has now decided to take what is and should continue to be – a gift and is turning it into a draft imposed from on high, my cynicism is well placed. The state is supposed to be my servant – a well paid servant at that – however, the reality is that it behaves as if it is my master and idiots such as Stephen are more than happy for it to do so.

So, in short, take a look at the comments threads here and see for yourself, how the left thinks. It ain’t a pretty sight. As for Stephen, I suggest he goes out and gets some sex. It might relieve some of that suppressed tension. He won’t need to ask; after all, presumed consent is all okay now. Well, isn’t it?

Ah, I see, we are engaging in situational ethics here. Well, sorry, but situational ethics do not apply. Opt-out is wrong. It is always wrong in all circumstances. There are no get-out clauses.

Updated to add: If you peruse the comments of these posts, the eagle-eyed among you will see a nice little anti-smoker rant. This is textbook tobacco control bullshit driven by venomous hatred of people who do something that is entirely legal, but the tobacco and alcohol puritans dislike. Their acolytes have swallowed their junk science whole and now spew this hatred with abandon at every opportunity. This one is a nice example to add to Dick Puddlecote’s collection of insane anti-smoker rants.


  1. ” non working classes will be shafted far more comprehensively by brexshit Britain that they ever were before.”

    Steve-o couldn’t be more wrong about that if he tried; we will A L L , employed or not, UK Citizen or not,Little Britain xenophobes or open-border liberals, be shafted by Brexshite. As someone once said “the only winning move is not to play”.

    • Apart from the identity cards debate when he was on the right side of the argument, Stephen is conclusively wrong about everything. He is consistent, at least.

  2. “…As for Stephen, I suggest he goes out and gets some sex…”

    I was of the opinion that he was sexually self-sufficient.

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