Down the Rabbit Hole

When feminism started it had noble aims – emancipation of women, the right to vote, to serve in the armed forces, to work in the professions; equality between the sexes.

These days, it has become something else entirely; a Frankfurt School driven misandry whereby every idiot strives to see just how hateful they can be:

Dear Abigail, in a word, “no”. I am indeed a husband. I am not a father, but I am an uncle to several nieces, none of whom, like my wife,have any objection to my describing myself as such. I would suggest, that as Kasmira Gander discovered in her absurd article the other day, that when your nonsensical misandry is exposed to the real world it is rebuffed as the nonsense it is. There is another matter too – you do not get to tell me what words I may use. Is it any wonder these idiots are referred to as feminazis?

So, er, fuck off.


  1. Doesn’t even qualify as a feminist. Just a stupid child who’s learned some big words and is desperate for attention…

  2. So what does she want them to say?

    “I’m the partner of ….”

    “I seeded these rug rats”


    May I assume we’re now banned from using the term “Mother Nature”?

  3. When feminism started it had noble aims – emancipation of women, the right to vote, to serve in the armed forces, to work in the professions; equality between the sexes.

    Have you noticed all the feminists fighting for the right to work down in the sewers or building roads or as refuse collection operatives (that’s bin men to us old gits)? No, me neither. I wonder why.

    • Well, no. Many years ago when my father was teaching carpentry, he was challenged about the lack of women in the building trade. As he pointed out they weren’t exactly queueing up…

  4. I have read this a few times and am still completely baffled as to what her problem is. I am a husband, a father and an uncle so therefore my neices, my daughter, and my wife don’t exist outside my male bubble? Is she perhaps projecting in some way? I have simply no idea what on earth she is trying to say.

  5. I think your reply was rather restrained really. These women do themselves no favours by being so boorish.

  6. An Orwellian quote I often refer to in my smoking battles: “As thought can corrupt language, so can language corrupt thought.”

    In the smoking arena of course we have the creation of terms such as “Smoke-Free” and “Passive Smoking” (the latter being the brainchild of the Nazi Youth Brigade’s Fritz Linkint in his 1939 Tobacco And The Organism Passivrauchen and then largely buried with Hitler until the modern antismoking movement revived it in the 70s/80s.) And of course there was the outright formal redefinition of the word “Addiction” in the late 80s so that it would allow the Antismokers to piggyback on Nancy Reagan’s “Just Say No To Drugs” campaign and allow campaigners to abuse our love and concern for children. See:

    The importance of language and words in framing what we think and are even CAPABLE of thinking for the most part cannot be underestimated.

    – MJM

    • It’s quite apparent, and has been for ages to anyone prepared to look: just as Newspeak was progressed to eradicate “thoughtcrime”, so PC-speak eradicates dissent to the agenda of the liberal left. No doubt they view dissent as thoughtcrime, anyway.

    • The link was posted in a conversation on the Bad Science forum. When I tried to make the same point that LR made in his last post on the subject of Weinstein or whatever his name is, I got a thorough roasting from the resident virtue signallers…
      Read it all if you like it lasts about 19 pages but be ready with the bucket for your projectile vomiting..

        • Frankly I don’t know why I bother going there because the only bad science they are interested in is politically incorrect bad science. If you try and point out bad science that is politically correct they will attack like a pack of wolves. They especially don’t like being called out for the hypocrites they are. likening them to “the mob” over there attitude to people accused of sexual harassment/assault/whatever was never going to go down well especially as they see “the mob” as people that voted for Brexit. Populism is ok it seems as long as it’s their populism…
          I don’t know if I should congratulate you for trying or offer apologies for luring you there…;-)

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