No Sympathy

Ordinarily, I would be taking a hard-line about those who pick over long past comments and use them to condemn someone today. Fifteen years are a long time. People can change their opinions in that time and someone who was young will have grown up. So it’s deeply unfair to drag through such comments and use them to destroy someone today.

It is, however, what the left likes to do. So when it happens to one of their own, I merely shrug. If the enemy wishes to destroy one of their own, who am I to stop them? Get on with it, I say.


  1. Interesting that Owen Jones is desperately out trying to defend, with talk of “second chances” and “he should have a chance to prove his views have changed”

    Can you imagine the unbridled outrage from Jones if a Tory had been caught using phrases like “poofter” and “fudge packer” online?

    Buy then hypocrisy was never something Owen Jones had a problem with.

  2. Will Owen Jones be telling people to forgive Trump for hid “grab pussy” comments made 30 years ago?

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