
So the idea of having lived before is not new. It’s something that various cultures embrace, so this story is nothing new, then.

Russian who has baffled scientists since birth claims he lived on Mars before he was reborn on Earth.

Boriska Kipriyanovich has confounded experts with his knowledge of outer space for nearly 20 years.

His parents claim that he was able to speak months after he was born and would often discuss subjects they had never taught him, such as alien civilisations.

As a toddler, he amazed his doctors by being able to read, write and draw by the age of two.

So far, so good. These stories tend to follow a similar pattern. However it gets interesting later on:

Boriska, from Volgograd, claims to have lived on a ‘war-ravaged’ Mars, which suffered from a nuclear catastrophe in the distant past.

He says that Martians measuring about seven-feet tall still live undergound on the Red Planet and breathe in carbon dioxide.

Sounds like something from the Martian Chronicles or maybe The Avenging Martian… But here’s the clincher:

According to Boriska, they are immortal and stop aging at an age of 35 years.

Er… So how come he died, then?


  1. They must be very naive scientists to have been baffled by a story such as this. There have been hundreds of examples of people making far fetched claims in the past, they have always turned out to be bunk. They usually have a ready answer to questions from sceptics such as yourself. He could have died in an accident for example.

  2. Where ever you go, you can always be certain to find fruit loops.

    The worst thing you can do is give them any kind of platform and gently suggest the services of a qualified alienist — I must admit to choosing that particular word on purpose …

  3. Sorry, I don’t believe in reincarnation. I didn’t believe in it when I was a hamster, and I don’t believe in it now!

    • Hamster? That was some pretty bad karma my friend. Made to run around a treadmill and fed sunflower seeds? You must have been very bad in your previous life. If, as you say, you believe in that sort of thing.

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