
Good grief!

I’m a lefty academic versed in feminist theory.

I’m not really sure how to respond to that. That our academia is full of these twats tells us much. The article is the same claptrap that Jonathan Freedland came out with – you know, we are all guilty because a few powerful men abused that power.

“Sure things are bad; but it can’t be that bad.” Even a lefty academic versed in feminist theory instinctively rebelled against the idea that rich and powerful men regularly rape or attempt to rape the women cleaning their rooms, that this happens all the time…

And this is where he loses credibility (if he hasn’t already). It is not happening all the time. Some powerful men assault hotel workers – and yes, they may try to silence the victims. That’s the very epitome of the abuse of power, after all. No one is denying that this happens. But it is not happening all the time and such hyperbole does the argument no good whatsoever.

In endless ways, the violence of powerful men plays havoc with our souls. It makes us complicit in acts of mutual destruction.

No it does not. Those powerful men are responsible for their actions – no one else. The rest of us are civilised human beings who do not go around raping our co-workers – or when staying away, hotel chambermaids. So stop spraying the guilt around. I refuse to feel guilty for something I have not done and in which I am not complicit – how dare you try to claim that I am, how fucking dare you!

So take your feminist theory and stick it up your lefty academic arse from where you are currently speaking. It might give those of us who reside in the real world a little peace from this interminable bandwagon.


  1. But but but…didn’t you know….you are guilty of it even if you aren’t, according to various writers at the graun and other places. Let them keep at it I say. The more ridiculous the claims the less people will take them seriously and accusing 50% of the population of being sexual predators is quite a good way of turning people against you. Another thing that has come to my attention recently is some peoples answer to the problem being the Pence Rule. (named for the VP). If you are male then never ever allow yourself to be alone with a woman that is not your wife. The funny thing is that is getting a lot of stick by the feminazis because it may lead to women being basically sidelined at work and other places. Sorry but that has to be a severe case of “careful what you wish for” AKA unintended consequences of branding every male as some kind of Saville creature. It is also advice I have given to my son in the case of a particularly troubled young girl that lives close to us. I’m sorry to all those offended by that course of action but when the tide turns against the accused before any actual facts are revealed then what does anyone expect? Men have to take appropriate action to prevent themselves being vilified for nothing.

  2. Peter Hitchens in MoS summed up the feminazis & Leadsom, Harman et al whining as: they want segregation by sex, chaperones, men not allowed to look at women…

    … sounds rather like women should be hidden from the eyes of men. All woman must wear burkas.

    imho given how are politicians favour importing unlimited RoPs (why?) it wouldn’t surprise me.

  3. All men are complicit in rape? No. Those who are don’t deserve the honorific of ‘man’ because it is something they are clearly not. The term ‘Man’ implies maturity and control of his baser impulses. Which sexual predators demonstrably do not have. Therefore they may be male, but not worthy of the title of Man.

    • I fear there may be a “no true Scotsman” fallacy hiding in there. 🙂

      I suspect that the writer is assuming that all men _would_ abuse power similarly _if_ they had it. Therefore we are all guilty.

      The assumption is not stated so I suspect that, until it is, a flat denial will cut no mustard. “They would say that wouldn’t he” being the riposte.

      • No true Scotsman fallacy? There is a risk of falling into that rhetorical trap, but ‘Man’ implies a certain section on the sliding scale of maturity. Like being a ‘Mensch’ in Yiddish. Someone of integrity and honour.

      • The author is wrong, of course. I wouldn’t and no one I know would. The author is a fuckwit – or as he says himself; a lefty academic versed in feminist theory; the two terms being interchangeable.

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