…Do they think we are?
Oh for flying fuck’s sake! Are these cretins still going on about this one? Really? Of course an aircraft doesn’t descend at an angle. No one would even consider that as a possibility. But, no, the conspiraloons want us to think it was all an inside job. Because, yeah, the Mercans are definitely going to attack their own – not least their military HQ because… Well because what, exactly?
Naturally, some moron producing a pathetic bit of photoshopping on the interwebs is proof (proof I tell you) that it was all masterminded by George W Bush and company. The reality that it was a bunch of Islamic nutters couldn’t possibly be the truth. No, no, it has to be some warped, complicated conspiracy that GWB (GWB, fer fuck’s sake! – Ed) and the CIA have managed to keep under wraps. And no one knows about it. Apart from the cretins at Anonymous, of course… Clearly the CIA haven’t been doing their job properly if it has all leaked out like that.
Have these cretins never come across Occam’s Razor (or for that matter, witness testimony)? Yeah, I know, silly question…
Well they do provide a modicum of amusement for the rest of us, so perhaps they aren’t entirely pointless.
There is that.
Didn’t you get the memo de jour Longrider? The Russians did it by hacking the aircraft’s computer system apparently!
Of course. I missed that one 😀
These nutters realize there are multiple eyewitnesses to this atrocity, do they not? A quick look at the location of the Pentagon will show it’s surrounded by an interstate highway and two other major thoroughfares in an extremely busy, crowded part of the Washington, DC area. I’ve driven past there myself several times, and in fact saw the damage quite clearly when I drove past it just a short time after 9/11. Any airliner flying into the building would have been, and indeed was, seen by lots of people driving past and on the ground around the building.
In the immediate aftermath I read some of the comments of folk who had been stuck in their cars in the gridlocked traffic while the plane came screeching in overhead and hit the building. Those people were terrified, understandably. Of course they had no idea what might come down upon them next and they couldn’t move their cars to get off the highway.