Oh, Really?

Tough new guidelines

Britons are being urged to cut their meals to just 1,600 calories a day and 200 calories for snacks under new health guidelines.

They will be told they should limit themselves to 400 calories for breakfast, 600 for lunch and 600 for dinner.

Good Lord, the Christmas break is barely over. We are not yet into the new year and already the puritans are banging on about our diets. Fuck off already. I have never counted calories in my life and I don’t intend to start. I eat when I am hungry and stop when I’ve had enough. I eat a balanced diet and don’t give a flying one what the blood-sucking parasites in PHE think. Because, and here’s the thing, what I eat and what you eat and what anyone else eats is none of their damned business.

This comes to 1,600 calories, below the current recommended daily intake of 2,000 calories for women and 2,500 for men. Those who exercise regularly can have even more.

Oh, wow, how generous.

People who follow the new guidelines can also eat two healthy snacks of up to 100 calories each.

Doesn’t it just give you a warm feeling inside? Tell you what; I’ll be ignoring the guidelines and I’ll be eating whatever I damned well please – including any snacks that take my fancy.

PHE, which is the Government agency for preventing ill health, claims they are merely a ‘rule of thumb’ rather than strict limits.

And as such, I will continue to treat them and the prodnosed scum that come up with them with the contempt they so richly deserve.

Christopher Snowdon, head of lifestyle economics at the Institute of Economic Affairs think-tank, added: ‘It’s been well established for decades that reasonably active people need between 2,000 and 2,500 calories a day to maintain their weight.

‘Public Health England’s latest calorie guidelines are not based on evidence and are essentially a lie designed to manipulate people into eating less.

Indeed. So I will eat whatever I want whenever I want and fuck PHE and the horse they rode into town on.

A PHE spokesman said: ‘We can no longer hide behind the charade that having a takeaway or eating out is merely a treat. Adults consume 200 to 300 excess calories each day and this calorie creep is contributing to weight gain and other serious health conditions. This is why we’re working with high street chains to offer healthier options through our reduction programmes and new One You nutritional campaign.’

We can do as we damned well please and you can fuck right off. I don’t recall being offered the opportunity to vote for you, nor the bandwagon you are riding on. I despise everything you represent, so go fuck yourself. I will eat what pleases me, not what you try to dictate. If takeaways follow your guidance then I will go to one that does not; one that serves what its customers want.

Officials claim the average adult

There’s no such thing.


  1. When they started the heart healthy food pyramid packed full of carby goodness, that’s when the problem really began (and have you seen the diabetic diet guidelines? Starchy carbs. What is starch? Sugar. What do diabetics have problems with?).

    Even if we were to theoretically accept benign (hah!) dictators interfering with our diets (not bloody likely), you just can’t trust them. Eat what you want. It has as much chance of being good for you as anything they come up with, and even if it isn’t, does it really matter as long as you are consuming it willingly?

    • Sometimes I meet people who knew me at school-with my 44″ waist. When they ask how I lost the weight I say something along the lines of “4+k calories a day, the High Fat, High Alcohol, High chocolate, and lots of kinky sex diet with… 3 hours daily Thai box training and 8 miles a day walking to the gym and back to the pub.

  2. @LR

    …I have never counted calories in my life and I don’t intend to start. I eat when I am hungry and stop when I’ve had enough…

    Same here.

    Message (simplified) should be:
    – Weight increasing? Eat less.
    – Overweight? Eat less.
    – Fat? Eat less.
    – Obese? Eat less.

    PHE should be abolished and all staff sacked, not redeployed – I bet >50% of PHE staff, like NHS, are fat lard asses like our MPs.

  3. Oddly enough, the point at which some interfering puritan starts to tell me what I must do is the point at which I switch off completely (if I haven’t already done so by then), and start to clench my right hand. The mouth is already starting the form the first letter of my reply – “F”

  4. I seem to recall the official diet guidelines for diabetics being ripped to shreds by knowledgeable people on the diabetes support forum, mainly for being out of date. Being diabetic myself I do have to watch my carb intake but I can manage perfectly well without help from P.H.E. I’m so glad that they are allowing me a few more calories as a reward for being active. New year sees the start of training for my next iron man. During my build up to the last one I ate like the proverbial horse and still lost six kilos in weight. This does suggest that P.H.E. don’t have a clue what they are on about.

  5. We can do as we damned well please and you can fuck right off. I don’t recall being offered the opportunity to vote for you, nor the bandwagon you are riding on. I despise everything you represent, so go fuck yourself. I will eat what pleases me, not what you try to dictate.


  6. I have no idea what the calorie content of my diet is, and I give not a fig and care not a jot. All these self-proclaimed experts leeching an easy well-paid living off the public teat should IMHO be limited to some 375 calories per diem so they will soon cease bothering us.

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