Offendatron of the Day

Being called “Honey” is offensive apparently.

Oh, FFS! Seriously… Mind you in a brief display of cojones, Virgin responded appropriately to this offendatron:

Virgin Trains East Coast replied: “Sorry for the mess up Emily, would you prefer ‘pet’ or ‘love’ next time?”

Of course, this was offensive as well, so they promptly apologised.

In my time, I have been called “Pet”, “Love”, “Ducks,” “Hun”, “Dear”, “Sweetheart” and various others. I have been misgendered – much to my amusement at the double-take after a man has called me “love”, “dear” or “sweetheart”. My music teacher regularly calls me “Hun.” I have never got on my high horse and twatted about it. Probably because I am not remotely offended – being an adult – and I am not on Twitter; but I repeat myself…


There is always more than one side to a story…

Ah… Right… Funny how the Grauniad forgot to mention this bit…


  1. Brings to mind The Bill and WPC Honey Harman

    Next up, Grace deemed offensive, misogynist, blah bah

  2. So, affectionately meant endearments are to be next on the leftist hit list? Which should tell even the meanest intelligence more about those ‘offended’ than a thousand detailed and peer reviewed clinical papers on serious sexual neuroses.

    • Encouragingly, a perusal of this woman’s twatter feed shows that the response to her tantrum are not exactly overwhelming in support. There is hope yet.

  3. I thought Virgin’s original response was superb: succinct and apt. What a shame they subsequently apologised instead of tweeting “Foxtrot Oscar, precious snowflake”‘

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