Get That CAP Subsidy Ready

Laurie Penny has built a strawman of Edward Woodward proportions.

Not all opinions are equal, but some people seem to wish they were.

Well, yes, true enough. However, the right to voice them is. But this is where it goes off the rails.

Former Google engineer James Damore, who you may remember as the author of an eye-poppingly sexist company-wide memo about why men are naturally better at computers than women, is now suing the company for discrimination against conservatives.

That isn’t what he said, though, is it? However, don’t let the fact that you are inventing an argument to knock down, stop you writing an absurd polemic, though, eh? Clearly Penny has either not read the memorandum, didn’t understand the arguments put forward, (despite them being put in simple, plain English) or has deliberately chosen to misrepresent what he said for political purposes. In other words, lied about it in the hope that her readership won’t have read it either so won’t call her out on it.

I leave it to you to decide which… Either way, Penny demonstrates that no one should take her seriously as a commentator.


  1. She’s not the only one. There are a whole lot of pseudo-feminists out there constructing very similar articles. All crap in that they didn’t actually read Damore’s memo or if they did, were too stupid or mendacious to understand the issues he outlined.

    Well, if these commentators had the right kind of thought process they would understand that you can’t be a whiz at ‘pooters if you don’t have the right mindset.

  2. This says it all:

    Churchmouse, January 11, 2018 at 12:49 pm

    Damore and his lawyer, Harmeet Dhillon, appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight (Fox News) on January 9. His choice of attorney proves he is neither sexist nor racist.

    Damore and his lawyer said that all sorts of high-tech employers’ blacklists (listing alleged free-thinkers and conservatives) are in operation throughout the United States, not just in Silicon Valley. As such, he said he will have a hard time finding a new job:


    Penny is another deluded left sjw; added bonus: her voice is like a dentist’s drill

  3. Of course Laurie Penny conveniently ignores the facts that Damore originally fell foul of the do-gooders for posting a lengthy, reasoned set of arguments onto an internal Google discussion board, in participation of what Google fatuously encouraged as an “open door” discussion forum, only to have some ‘outraged’ snowflake then not only complain about it but also release it to the World’s press and for Google to then decide to prioritise thier ‘right on’ virtue signalling above the freedoms they’d fed to Damore and other Google workers by sacking him.

    It’s a horrid example of the kind of nasty internet-mob based witch hunt that lefties like Penny seem to happily approve of when views other that thier own are expressed. I don’t recall her outrage at some of the things Jeremy Corbyn has said in public.

    Damore is absolutely right to sue Google. Given the malicious circumstances of his sacking I hope Google has it’s deep pockets ready.

  4. Whilst I have every sympathy with James Damore, I am of the old-school that separates work from private life. As far as I am concerned, I am only contracted to turn up every day and do a job. The rest of my life, opinions etc are a mystery to my employers and will remain so. So they have no opportunity to approve/disapprove of me. The Google touchy-feely approach might sound warm and cuddly, but we are seeing more and more the dark side of this.

  5. Penny Dreadful. No, I don’t take her drivel seriously either. Just the usual feminist extremist nonsense.

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