White Privilege

While ranting about the vile practices of the leftist monsters who would rule us, we get this.

University lecturers are being asked to attend workshops to help them understand how their ‘whiteness’ makes them unwittingly racist.

Classes at UK universities are telling lecturers to acknowledge their ‘white privilege’ and examine the idea that white people enjoy advantages in life simply because of the colour of their skin.

Academia is riddled with this bullshit. Out in the real world, not so much. However, it demonstrates again that the left are themselves inherently racist in assuming that the colour of ones skin is a sign of racism. It isn’t. People of all skin tones can be racist and, indeed, are. As for privilege, well, tell that to the kids growing up in sink estates.

A session at Bristol University, hosted by the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Staff Advisory Group, said it would ask lecturers to ‘examine and acknowledge the destructive role of whiteness’.

Would that be the same whiteness that has given technological advances in medicine, manufacturing and with it increased quality of life?  Fuck off already. Go stick your anti-white racism where the sun don’t shine.

Similar workshops about white privilege on US campuses prompted students to put up posters saying: ‘It’s OK to be white.’

Nice to see a backlash to this vile cultural Marxist ideology. Of course it’s okay to be white and it doesn’t make you a racist, either, despite what these creatures might try to tell us.

Sociologist Frank Furedi warned that the concept in effect labelled every white person as racist.

Indeed. And we are not. The progressives who come up with this nonsense are the real racists here.


  1. Let’s have a look at “white privilege”. The (white) widow of a soldier killed in Afghanistan had to vacate their married quarter and returned to her home town with her 3 year old son. Being homeless, she applied to her local authority for help in accommodation. After several months on a b&b, she was placed in a one bedroomed flat in the shitty part of town. At roughly the same time, a couple from North Africa turned up and were given a 2 bedroomed house, their rent and council tax paid for them. They suddenly declared they had 3 children and were moved to a 4 bedroomed house. After complaining that this meant that 2 of their children had to share a bedroom, the local authority moved them to a larger house, ignoring the fact that they ad probably previously lived in a one room shack. So, who gets the privilege and who is thrown aside? These claims of white privilege are a load of politically motivated crape forced on us by supporters of the Frankfurt school.

  2. Real Science
    My hypothesis does not conform with reality, therefore my hypothesis should be adjusted.

    Social Science
    My hypothesis does not conform with reality, therefore reality should be adjusted.

    As an amateur real scientist, my hypothesis is that the perpetrators of this “white privilege” idiocy are knobs. Nothing more, nothing less.

  3. “understand how their ‘whiteness’ makes them unwittingly racist.”

    That, it in itself a racist statement. If I were to say that about someone who is black, brown or yellow , my feet wouldn’t touch the ground.

    Double Standards much?

  4. I am white. All that proves is that I am a European. I don’t go round hating anyone, not even the usual leftard suspects in parliament.

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