Oh, Fer Gawd’s Sake!

The health Nazis are at it again. It’s the usual junk science.

Having as little as one alcoholic drink a day could shorten your life, according to a major new study.

An analysis of 600,000 drinkers found that drinking five to 10 alcoholic drinks a week was likely to shorten a person’s life by up to six months.

No, not enjoying life won’t make you live longer, it will just feel like it. Old joke, I know, but… These people never stop. They have this lingering worry that people are enjoying life and it needs to stop now – hence the scare tactics. It never occurs to these miserablists that, actually, some folk prefer quality over quantity and a tipple is what they prefer and it is no one else’s business, not the state’s not the “experts”, no one. As it is, I don’t like alcoholic beverages, so I’m going to live forever.

What do you mean, I won’t?


  1. As a non-smoking teetotal guy with end-stage kidney disease, do you think I might live for ever?

    I bloody hope not!

  2. Erm… ‘studies have shown’ right, they’re conveniently forgetting that a glass of wine or two has also been ‘shown’ to stave off heart disease etc. Teetotallers on the whole don’t live longer.

    Frankly the BBC is just media wallpaper. Anaglypta for the low of reasoning. I’m just surprised that anyone believes it any more.

    • It isn’t just the BBC though. During the day I listen to commercial radio and their news reports have also been repeating this cack completely uncritically.

      • Which is why I don’t bother with radio any more. 1000 songs on a USB stick for the car and another couple of thousand in electronic format. Then there are our collections of audio books and podcasts. The news isn’t news anyway, it’s just drama.

  3. Dear Mr Longrider

    According to real research, drinking increases lifespan, with the curve crossing the baseline for teetotallers around the six units a day mark – two thirds of a bottle of wine.

    “… was likely to shorten a person’s life by up to six months.”

    So the lower end of the bell curve is six months shorter life; and the middle is where? Somewhere on the longer life side.

    Even if it were not true that drinking is good for you, Sir Kingsley Amis summed it up perfectly:

    “No pleasure is worth giving up for the sake of two more years in a geriatric home at Weston-super-Mare.”

    I’m sure Weston-super-Mare was not the problem.


  4. I would be fascinated to see both the science and the statistical work behind these claims. The thing smells of bullshit science to me.

    For starters is the assumption that 600,000 have been monitored closely enough and accurately enough for enough years to determine such a claim. Let’s face it, the research is utter bollocks.

  5. I’m a bit late to the party with this one as I’ve only just spotted it, Newsbiscuit has nailed this one beautifully.


    Following the publication of a report showing that consuming one alcohol drink per day takes one day off your life expectancy, Tracey Andrews, 34, has calculated that her weekend binge drinking session in Skegness resulted in a “negative” life expectancy.

    Andrews explained, “I’m on borrowed time. I should have died on Saturday night – technically – on the spot following that seventh Jager bomb at Bar Monique.”

    Leading health experts, who have been unable to reconcile these anomalies, have referred to the phenomenon as being “post death”. Kiran Patel, a senior government health adviser, remarked, “Science is based on reason and rationale deduction. In this case, the only remaining explanation is that Tracey and her like are some sort of immortals or even gods.”

    Buoyed by the news of her deity status, Andrews has resigned from her job as a Credit Controller for a printing company and started a celebrity religious cult. “I’ve contacted my fellow immortals and urged them to join me in Sheffield. I plan to start a new faith group. We meet at The King’s Arms on the High Road every Tuesday – curry night. You have to be a post-death drinker to join though, as we’re trying to keep it exclusive.”

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