Ah, The Outrage

Don’t you just love the outrage wagon when it’s on a roll. The strawmen used to justify it could be burned for a millennium and still be powering a solar system.

US rapper Kanye West has said the enslavement of African Americans over centuries may have been a “choice”.

“When you hear about slavery for 400 years … for 400 years? That sounds like a choice,” he said during an appearance on entertainment site TMZ.

“We’re mentally imprisoned,” the star added. He recently made headlines for his support for President Trump.

Now the usual suspects are in a tizzy. West is black – but, but, but (you can almost see the trembling lower lips here) he supports Trump! How can you be black and support Trump!?! Yes, he is indeed doing the unthinkable and supporting Trump! And he is claiming slavery was a choice – those outraged fingers are already tweeting the horror of it all. Rather than try to listen to what he is saying, they tweet their outrage in the thoughtless manner so beloved of the Twitterati. Heaven forfend that they actually listen and comprehend before hitting the tweet button.

Except that he was doing no such thing. So he has to explain what was obvious from the comments he made. Obvious, that is, to anyone who can comprehend plain English.

To the interviewers at TMZ, West said that “right now we’re choosing to be enslaved”, which provoked an angry response from a black member of staff at the company, Van Lathan.

So even that isn’t good enough.

Mr Lathan said the rapper’s comments appeared to be made with “the absence of thought”.

Oh, there’s an absence of thought here alright. But it isn’t coming from Mr West.

There’s going to be a popcorn shortage at this rate.


  1. The other bit missing from the African slavery equation is that the suppliers were Africans.
    On balance the children of the slaves probably did better than the children of the suppliers.
    It used to be that we tried to prove that we related to royalty, now it is ‘cool’ to be from a long line of ‘victims’, (like the Monty Python Yorkshire men in cardboard boxes but worse off!).

  2. “the suppliers were Africans.”
    During a recent discussion on this subject where it was stated that “all white people were racist slavers”, it was pointed out that it was white people who ended slavery in the Western world while those countries where slavery is still endemic, were ruled by black people. However, why let facts get in the way of a left wing rant?

  3. The whole Kanye thing could have a massive impact on US politics. It depends which way the African Americans jump. If they buy the SJW attacks on him, he’s a loony tunes Uncle Tom, nothing changes, they all go on voting for Democrats and being victims. If on the other hand they start to listen to him, and realise they’ve been farmed by the Democrats as voting fodder for decades, then you could see a massive sea change in the political map of the US. African Americans vote overwhelmingly blue, probably 90/10. You don’t have to shift that ratio too much before the Democrats are screwed. 80/20 would mean healthy Republican majorities and being in power most of the time, 70/30 would mean a Democratic wipeout and maybe never seeing power again.

    • I have a sneaking suspicion that US Blacks have long suspected that they’ve been used (and often abused) by the Democrats. They are aspirational like most people and will recognise the impact of Trump’s recent reduction in unemployment of Black and Hispanic Americans to “Historic low levels” It will not have gone unnoticed by aforementioned Blacks and Hispanics that when this was declared in Trump’s recent “State of the Union” address, not a single Democrat applauded.

      Actions speak so much louder than words – and the Dems inaction said “We don’t care”

  4. When we stayed in Nashville, shortly before the election, there was a black guy who worked at the motel who was an ardent Trump supporter and would talk about it at every opportunity you gave him
    I also met a black guy in a clothes shop who was a big Trump fan
    I think there are a hell of a lot more black Trump supporters than we are lead to believe by the media and the snowflakes on social media

  5. I can’t work out what exactly he was trying to say. When he said that slavery was a choice, a choice for whom? It was hardly a choice for the slaves, they didn’t have any say in the matter. Considering how many of them were treated I can’t imagine anyone would have volunteered. But then saying that slavery was a choice for those who chose to own slaves is just a statement of the obvious which could hardly be considered controversial.

  6. 400 years? As slavery ended in the USA in the 1860s, and America was discovered by Europeans in 1492, one wonders who was engaged in enslaving the black people in the Americas before Columbus arrived.

    Of course, the slave trade of which the white man is guilty of transporting Africans across the Atlantic was preceded by and concomitant with transporting of white slaves from Europe, which is conveniently forgotten. What is also forgotten is that the white slaves were considerably cheaper than the black ones, so were more expendable; however, white slave victims are just not cool.

    • What he’s getting at here is the mental slavery – the perpetual victim-hood and he has a point. I wouldn’t take the 400 years too seriously.

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