I’m Not Surprised

David Davis resigns.

Brexit Secretary David Davis, who has been leading UK negotiations to leave the EU, has resigned from government.

He told the BBC that he was no longer the best person to deliver the PM’s Brexit plan – agreed by the cabinet on Friday – as he did not “believe” in it.

He said the “career-ending” decision was a personal one but he felt the UK was “giving away too much and too easily” to the EU in the negotiations.

There comes a time when an honourable man has no option but to walk away and this is it. Theresa May has snatched defeat from the jaws of victory – she has taken a strong negotiating position and undermined it. We could have left this dreadful cabal with our heads held high and offered the EU a fair trading position on our terms, not theirs, but that opportunity has been squandered.

I despair.


  1. Part of the problem is that UKIP imploded after the referendum. If they were still seen as a threat, the government would have been unable to sell us out the way that they appear to be doing.

  2. “honourable man has no option but to walk away and this is it”

    An honourable man would have walked home from Chequers rather than sign, his head held high and his mouth closed. An honourable man would not have ‘lied’ to Parliament about the reports. A truly honourable man, who cared about The Mission-upon realizing he was out classed and out-gunned by Juncker and Barnier-might have asked to be releaved of his post to allow someone who was capable to do the job, not run away and hid in a funk hole.

    “Brexit Bulldog”? “Brexit BullSh*tter” more like. “I enjoyed the cooperation with David Davis” -Verhofstadt.
    “We’re used to negotiating with Olly Roberts anyways” -some EU diplomat.

    And yet BrexSShiteurs are eulogizing this guy?

      • You surprise me.Really. No, not the Adhom,that’s SOP for BrexSShiteurs but do you seriously think that Davis was acting in the manner of an officer and a gentleman when he signed that bit of toilet paper? I don’t care what the issue, i would hope any MP would have the strength of character not to sign something he or she, even, profoundly disagreed with. Next you’ll be lauding Bojo for his moral fortitude under fire, for sticking to his guns at the risk of losing his ministerial car. Is it any wonder, with such backbone and British pluck among Brexiteers that we are leaving not only the EU but reality as we know it, Jim?

          • He can’t go on because he would be the one who has to negotiate it. He can’t do that because he doesn’t believe in it.

            He’s threatened, or his team has suggested it, several times in the last few months. It hasn’t happened. He’s had many chances to claw back from the “tea boy” image, he hasn’t. But as long as there was no proposal, he still had that chance. Now, it’s over, and he rightly can’t stomach the next bit.

            In all, he hasn’t acquitted himself well, but he’s not a complete sellout either.

  3. Don’t despair.

    May’s treacherous incompetence will draw attention to it, and the idiocy of her ideas, and revulsion.

    Brexit was never going to be an easy ride. All promises of an entirely easy ride are nonsense.

    The best ride I ever had included torrential rain, howling wind a collapsed Mexican roadbed in the Sierra Madres. Finally I got sun and the nicest newly paved road, sea to mountain pass to sea, up down and twisty, repeat at pleasure, followed by a plate of fried fresh from the ocean shrimp in San Blas.

    You are in the torrential rain stage. Look alert for howling winds, issued from the mouths of politicos. But you knew that.

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