Oh, Fuck Off!

Martin Keowen.

Seemingly out of nowhere, the former Arsenal defender appeared to take umbrage at anyone who might be passing the afternoon reading rather than watching the England-Sweden World Cupquarter final.

“There might be someone back home reading a book,” he said, apropos of nothing. “They need to get a life.”

Actually, I wasn’t reading. I was out training, but had I not been working, I might have been reading or gardening, or simply out on the bike for pleasure, which is more of a life than watching twenty-two sweaty prima donnas poncing about after a bag of wind for ninety tedious minutes.

“Maybe if you read a few more books Mr Keown,” declared another poster, going simply by Liz, “you might not sound like such a moron.”

Maybe, but probably not… Moron is as moron does.


  1. Arsenal players have their IQs on the back of their football jerseys, Keown typically wore number 5.

    • I bow to your superior knowledge here. I’d never heard of him before and given that he’s clearly a cretin, never want to again.

  2. I’ve no idea what I was doing while it was on that’s how much I was bothered about it. I had never heard of this guy before now, I certainly don’t need his advice about living my life.

  3. I was reading. Then we decided to watch a few recordings of TV stuff we both like. Not everyone likes soccer. Doesn’t this fellow know this?

    • Clearly not. Much like the media and the simpletons who taught PE when I was at school assume that we all think the way they do.

  4. Please, get the idiot’s name right: it’s Keown not Keowen. Anyway, my interest in the World Cup extends to occasionally viewing post-match scores. And responding to England’s win in the way that Keown suggested (“turn on the sprinkler”) is a no-go: we don’t all have lawns/sprinklers. As for me, I’ll carry on reading.

  5. To date, I have not watched a single game and do not propose to change this position. However, I have reread some excellent books in my collection and am thinking about painting some more models for my collection. As for this “gentleman”, may I be forgiven for telling him to F@£k Off!

  6. I passed Saturday afternoon marshalling my clubs open 10 mile TT, and I shall spend this evening timekeeping for my clubs evening 10 mile TT

  7. Many of us were busy working, instead of taking a BBC freebie and paycheque to sit on my arse in Russia talking bollocks. Some of us were not as lucky as Mr Keowen

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