Well, Yes…

And why might that be?

What Robinson knows, or at least senses, is that our traditional institutions have been radically weakened in the past 20 years: public trust in parliament, government, traditional media and the financial order is in the gutter. The immune system of our old-fashioned political structures is well and truly shot.

Could it be because it’s all self-inflicted? A professional political class that treats the electorate with open contempt and a legacy media that does likewise – each competing to see who can squeeze between the dog turd and the pavement? Theirs is a symbiotic relationship made in the nine circles of Hell. Each as despicable and loathsome as the other. Each consisting of liars, charlatans, popinjays, mountebanks and poltroons. Each has long since traded decency, honour, public service and respect on the pyre of self-interest and expediency. Tommy Robinson is not to blame for this. Nor are the “far right” (anyone to the right of Trotsky).

If the “far right” (people who disagree with Guardian columnists) are able to make the most of this weakness, then that’s a good thing. Time this stinking, putrid, edifice fell, frankly. I don’t much care who gives it a final shove. Good riddance to it. Matthew d’Ancona and his vile comrades at the Guardian can do one for all I care. The sooner they sink into the pit of malodorous excrescence of their own making, the better for all of us.


  1. What Robinson says & does is disgusting – he really is a fascist.
    However, he should be allowed to spout, if only to let him discredit himself.
    A vital point that many people fail to see …..

    • Why is he a Fascist?

      Not heard him demanding Jews are burned, white blue-eyed supreme, all industry owned/controlled by state, free-speech prohibited, Stalinism embraced as National Socialist Party did.

      Try thinking before making groundless accusations.

      • You STILL managed to miss the point;
        He should be allowed to spout, so that he can discredit himsalef – rather like Jacob Rees-Thugg & Jeremy Corbyn, come to think of it ……

        • JRM is one of the good guys. He is a genuine liberal in that he understands the difference between a personal point of view and legislation. Unlike the fascists on the left who assume because they don’t approve of something, it must be banned. JRM does not follow that pattern. Pcar’s linked video elsewhere in the recent discussion shows him taking Gina Miller apart. He does it calmly and effectively. Likewise a boorish moron in the audience is taken down with equal precision. One of the few politicians I can admire as the genuine article.

      • Racial purity/anti-Semitism was never a feature of Fascism. Jews were generally treated well in Italy, protected even and the Fascist State would not cooperate with the Germans’ policy towards them causing much friction.

        Hitler’s National Socialism was inspired by Fascism but based in Marxism. The racial purity element was inspired by the Progressives who believed in eugenics.

        Fascism, National Socialism, Socialism share the same roots except for the racial purity aspect and are ideologies of the Left, which is why Grauniadistas brand Fascism ‘Far Right’ just in case anyone notices it and Socialism are conjoined ugly twins.

        • Bonkers post. Socialism is inherently international and therefore nothing like National Socialism and fascism is the collusion of state and private corporations. Which bit of private corporations sounds remotely Socialist to you? I know it’s really inconvenient for those on the right to be associated with NS and F, but it’s where it is on the political spectrum. Just deal with it and disassociate from it. Much like Socialism is wildly different to Communism/Marxism and people on the left have to disassociate from that. In truth, Conservatism is nothing like Fascism the same as Socialism is nothing like Communism…..it doesn’t seem to stop each side of the political divide trying to tie it in with each other though and frankly it’s a childish argument.

          • @Tony,

            Private companies controlled by state – Venezuela is recent example.

            National Socialist Party, like their supporters SNP were and are are Left. SNP law means state not parents “own” children.

            It is you who is bonkers & childish.

          • The SNP are not left and national socialists are not left. You can say it all you like, it does not make it so. Find any professor of Sociology or Politics or even Philosophy and they will give you the same answer. Those ideologies are right wing. And also, I said that fascism is “collusion” between state and private business, not control. I have to deal with people stuck in their way of thinking all the time over these issues and the people on the left are as bad for it as people on the right. The attitude is everything bad is the others “ology” not ours and it is pathetic. It reminds me of the argument over whether the bbc is left orientated or right. Each side thinks the bbc is against them, which tells me that they are actually pretty good about being impartial.

          • I realise that this is probably a hiding to nothing, but here goes. The SNP positions itself as centrist, so neither right nor left. However, several of its polices mirror those of the Labour party. It’s approach to progressive taxation, for example is definitely of the left as is its approach to the NHS and student funding. They used a shift to left as a direct attack on the Labour strongholds to great success. So, yeah, at present, I’d see them as left leaning rather than right leaning and they have certainly moved from the centre ground where they were when they were first formed.

  2. and the possibility of a genuinely leftwing government in contrast to which a far-right alternative might ruthlessly define itself.

    None of this may happen, and one must hope that none of it does.

    I fully agree with Ancona on the leftwing government.

    • So the question “stay in the EU” or “Leave the EU” was too complicated. JRM dealt with that one nicely. Also dealt with the moron heckling form the audience with aplomb too.

  3. The Left has completed its ‘long march through the institutions’ only to find public trust in those institutions has collapsed. One wonders why?

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