Come Back Jim Hacker

And the British banger… Or pasty in this case.

A Cornish woman who fulfilled her dream of opening her own bakery has sparked outraged with locals for crimping her pasties on top instead of around the edge.

Mikaela Parry, 51, caused mass controversy when she started selling Cornish pasties with pastry pinched on top instead of on the side – as is tradition

Mass controversy, no less. Clearly the world is coming to an end.

But locals aren’t impressed, quoting EU rules that state Cornish pasties have to be pinched on the edge and not at the side for authenticity.

Time to leave, then.


  1. How utterly bloody pointless does your life have to be for you to get worked up about something like this? For Effs sake get a life you sad sad people. As for the EU, how did it take so long for just over half of us to realise that paying huge numbers of people huge amounts of money to think up completely pointless regulations that restrict our life choices is a bad idea?

  2. quoting EU rules
    or ‘guidance’ as the DM admits later in the article? Also one wonders who composed the fore mentioned guidance…it won’t have been based upon ‘evidence’ or submissions from the Cornish Pasty Association (hint-it was!) and UK Politicians will it now?

    Oh well after March we can all sunbathe amongst the herds of unicorns, admiring our blue passports, eating pasties crimped however the hell we like ,drinking Elderflower ‘Champagne’ and eating real, genuine, japanese “West Country Farmhouse Cheddar”. Heaven.

    • What’s relevant is that somewhere in Brussels, there are bureaucrats who are deciding on a matter as trivial as the shape of a pastie. And we are paying for them.

      If they are home-grown bureaucrats, we can vote for a party that will issue the relevant P45s.

        • Who knows what the various member states of the EU will decide should have PGI/PGO status? However the 4 you list are all ‘generic’ ie not tied to a specific region and therefore can’t be PGI’d- same as with ‘Cheddar’ (despite Cheddar Cheese originating from Cheddar…whereeverTF Cheddar is?).

        • Oh, dear Pcar. You used a very naughty word there. You should say “Pork rissoles” otherwise there will be a herd of SJWs after you.

          • A Rissole is not a Faggot. Traditional Faggots are pork and offal based. Rissoles are beef and offal. At least in the Black Country culinary milieu.

            Faggots, Mushy peas and chips or mash with thick, thick gravy. Yum!

      • Actually the trivial matter of pasty crimping was decided by the Member State (ie the yUK…after 9 years of lobbying by the Cornish Pasty Mafia) and Brussels rubber stamped it. That’s how PGI works.

        • Without the EU these pressure groups will lose much of their power. And I repeat, something as trivial as the shape of a pasty should be no concern of bureaucrats in a foreign country.

          • something as trivial as the shape of a pasty should be no concern of bureaucrats in a foreign country.
            It wasn’t. The concern of those foreign bureaucrats was the approving of the decision taken by the member state not the details.

            Without the EU these pressure groups will lose much of their power One can but hope, however chances are it will merely further empower them. T’would be nice, and an actual real benefit of Brexit, if the Great British Sheeples would finally be made aware of just how much our democratically members of an independent, sovereign, parliament have been using Brussels and all its works as an alibi all these years.

          • …was the approving of the decision taken by the member state not the details

            And therein lies my point. They had no business approving anything. Nothing to do with them. Indeed, it has nothing to do with anyone outside the kitchen where they are baked.

        • A quick read shows the rule is “edge crimped” whether the edge is on top, bottom or side is irrelevant. Content is more important.

      • Despite the fact that the UK seems to be verging on anarchy, Tessie’s now concerning herself with plastic bags, changing the rules and putting them up to 10p (for the environment, no doubt. I fantasise that her P45’s in the post.

  3. If it’s at the top it’s not Cornish. It’s a Devon pasty. Nevermind the EU, there is a bitter rivalry between certain sects in Devon and Cornwall about pasties… and pretty much everything else.

  4. Not checked recently, but in 1970s M&S Cornish Pasties were short pastry, top crimped and delicious. Don’t much like the modern puff pastry & little filling ones eg Gingsters.

  5. Turn pasty through 90° longitudinally. Pastry now pinched on side. Problem solved.

    Lunatic asylums were closed down years ago in favour of care in the community, so now imbeciles walk among us and congregate on social media.

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