1. Phillipson,

    Pay attention, if we were all vegans there would be no cute lambs, fluffy chicks etc. Farmers grow what they can sell.

    You’re naive and stupid.

  2. “Not if they Ain’t Fertilised, They’re Not”

    Never ceases to amaze me how few people (particularly vegans like these) actually know the Facts of Life. Equating unfertilised eggs to “potential lives” is like claiming that a woman miscarries every month that she doesn’t happen to have become pregnant. Didn’t these people ever have Biology lessons in school?

    • At the distinct risk of bringing US politics in here, I’ll bet a lot of these morons are “pro-choice” in the US-ian sense of the word too…

  3. “There are all these forms of torture we subject… vegetables to. We uproot them or cut them off without anaesthesia, we skin them alive, throw them alive and screaming into boiling water or oil, or suffocate them to death in a hot oven. (Sob!)

    Plants are life too and have Rights.

  4. Singing: “Every sperm is sacred…
    ah, I see PJH beat me to it (though more cryptically)

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